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Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 32 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Engineering | Downloaded: 0
...or more atoms, typically two non-metals, combined...
...or more atoms, typically a metal and...
...or more atoms, typically at least two...
...or more materials (typically a solid dissolved...
...and hydrogen Hydrocarbons typically have a flashpoint...
N/A 140
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 402.79 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...reproduction involving sex; typically involves the formation...
...Archaebacteria – bacteria typically found in extreme...
...No cells walls. Typically have organs and...
...reproduction involving sex; typically involves the formation...
...Archaebacteria – bacteria typically found in extreme...
...No cells walls. Typically have organs and... all levels typically have at least...
...several others are typically found only in... biological systems, typically molecules are oxidized...
...from atoms molecules typically will lose the... all levels typically have at least...
...several others are typically found only in... biological systems, typically molecules are oxidized...
...from atoms molecules typically will lose the...
...numbers: cells are typically 70% or more...
...numbers: cells are typically 70% or more...
...covalent bonds (and typically does form all...
...called optical isomers typically, only one form...
...How does it typically bond? What does...
...What does it typically bond to? What...
...covalent bonds (and typically does form all...
...called optical isomers typically, only one form...
...(“break with water”) typically requires an enzyme... condensation also typically requires an enzyme...
...a decent rate typically the equivalent of...
...that carbohydrates are typically (CH2O)n carbohydrates are...
...from each momomer typically, the linkage is...
...of subunits varies, typically thousands can be...
...denaturation denatured proteins typically cannot perform their...
...nitrogenous bases DNA typically contains the purines...
...thymine (T) RNA typically contains the purines...
...information DNA is typically a double stranded...
...antiparallel RNA is typically a single stranded...
...(“break with water”) typically requires an enzyme... condensation also typically requires an enzyme...
...a decent rate typically the equivalent of...
...that carbohydrates are typically (CH2O)n carbohydrates are...
...from each momomer typically, the linkage is...
...of subunits varies, typically thousands can be...
...denaturation denatured proteins typically cannot perform their...
...nitrogenous bases DNA typically contains the purines...
...thymine (T) RNA typically contains the purines...
...information DNA is typically a double stranded...
...antiparallel RNA is typically a single stranded...
...distinct, membrane-enclosed nucleus; typically 10-100 ?m in...
...molecule (chromosome) is typically circular; its location...
...plasma membrane is typically enclosed in a...
...prokaryotic cells are typically 1-10 ?m in...
...of the cell typically large (~5 ?m)...
...of the cytosol typically continuous throughout ER...
...central vacuole – typically a single, large...
...the environment is typically chemical energy (in...
...division; each cell typically has many mitochondria,...
...their own DNA (typically a bit larger...
...Cytoskeleton eukaryotic cells typically have a size...
...short (2-10 ?m typically) and flagella if...
...flagella if long (typically 200 ?m) central...
...division intermediate filaments typically just a bit...
...contain cellulose, but typically have other material... wood) fungi typically have thinner cell...
...the plasma membrane typically functions in cell...
...plasma membrane that typically receive signals from...
...cells cell junctions typically connect cells and...
...distinct, membrane-enclosed nucleus; typically 10-100 ?m in...
...molecule (chromosome) is typically circular; its location...
...prokaryotic cells are typically 1-10 ?m in...
...of the cell typically large (~5 ?m)...
...of the cytosol typically continuous throughout ER...
...central vacuole – typically a single, large...
...the environment is typically chemical energy (in...
...division; each cell typically has many mitochondria,...
...their own DNA (typically a bit larger...
...Cytoskeleton eukaryotic cells typically have a size...
...short (2-10 ?m typically) and flagella if...
...flagella if long (typically 200 ?m) central...
...division intermediate filaments typically just a bit...
...contain cellulose, but typically have other material... wood) fungi typically have thinner cell...
...the plasma membrane typically functions in cell...
...plasma membrane that typically receive signals from... membrane side typically differs from that...
...the solvent is typically water solutes do...
...through the membrane typically used to transport...
...a coated vesicle typically, lysosomes bind with... membrane side typically differs from that...
...the solvent is typically water solutes do...
...through the membrane typically used to transport...
...a coated vesicle typically, lysosomes bind with...
...cells cell junctions typically connect cells and...
...B + D typically, the exergonic reaction... exergonic reaction; typically from a catabolic...
...pathway ATP is typically created in catabolic...
...of ATP ratio typically greater than 10...
...very low supply typically only enough for...
...of that energy typically cannot be used...
...electrons in cells) Typically, the oxidized substance...
...other chemical reactions Typically, a proton is... transferred Catabolism typically involves removal of... organic molecule (typically a protein) that...
...forms, there are typically shape changes in...
...enzyme-substrate complex is typically very unstable and...
...NADH, NADPH, FADH2 typically changed by the...
...Mg2+, Fe3+, etc. typically not changed by...
...B + D typically, the exergonic reaction... exergonic reaction; typically from a catabolic...
...Overall, ATP is typically created in catabolic...
...of ATP ratio typically greater than 10...
...very low supply typically only enough for...
...of that energy typically cannot be used...
...electrons in cells) Typically, the oxidized substance...
...other chemical reactions Typically, a proton is... transferred Catabolism typically involves removal of... organic molecule (typically a protein) that...
...forms, there are typically shape changes in...
...enzyme-substrate complex is typically very unstable and...
...NADH, NADPH, FADH2 typically changed by the...
...Mg2+, Fe3+, etc. typically not changed by...
...most organisms nutrients (typically glucose) are catabolized...
...actual yield is typically about 30 ATP...
...aerobic respiration is typically about 32%; the...
...internal combustion engine, typically about 20-25% efficiency)....
...called ? oxidation) typically provides over twice...
...most organisms nutrients (typically glucose) are catabolized...
...actual yield is typically about 30 ATP...
...aerobic respiration is typically about 32%; the...
...internal combustion engine, typically about 20-25% efficiency)....
...called ? oxidation) typically provides over twice...
...thus becoming energized; typically, an electron absorbs...
...forms; in plants, typically chlorophyll a (chl...
...thus becoming energized; typically, an electron absorbs...
...forms; in plants, typically chlorophyll a (chl...
...division in prokaryotes typically, a prokaryotic cell...
...units of heredity typically, a gene contains...
...time, and is typically longest cells that...
...past metaphase is typically prevented until the...
...division in prokaryotes typically, a prokaryotic cell...
...units of heredity typically, a gene contains...
...time, and is typically longest cells that...
...past metaphase is typically prevented until the...
...asexual reproduction is typically rapid and efficient...
...early prophase I typically, enzymes cause breaks...
...(no DNA replication) typically, interkinesis is brief...
...(body) cells are typically diploid, and special...
...male gametogenesis (spermatogenesis) typically produces 4 viable...
...female gametogenesis (oogenesis) typically produces 1 haploid...
...asexual reproduction is typically rapid and efficient...
...early prophase I typically, enzymes cause breaks...
...(no DNA replication) typically, interkinesis is brief...
...(body) cells are typically diploid, and special...
...male gametogenesis (spermatogenesis) typically produces 4 haploid...
...female gametogenesis (oogenesis) typically produces 1 haploid... they are typically presented as word...
...that do exist typically have late onset...
...isolated populations with typically large families are... they are typically presented as word...
...individuals (includes self-fertilization) typically done to enhance...
...isolated populations with typically large families are...
...that do exist typically have late onset...
...distinctions from DNA typically single-stranded (although often...
...20 amino acids typically used to build... mRNA is typically being translated by...
...and so on typically as many as...
...distinctions from DNA typically single-stranded (although often...
...20 amino acids typically used to build... mRNA is typically being translated by...
...and so on typically as many as...
...some eukaryotes vectors typically include a selectable...
...DNA of interest; typically: a selectable marker... Taq polymerase) typically, the PCR works...
...stop occurs sequencing typically involves 4 polymerization...
...population is established, typically only a few...
...population is established, typically only a few...
N/A 154
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