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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 106.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...prevent symptoms of withdrawal and treat overdose...
...DEPENDENCE, p. 1538 Withdrawal Alcohol withdrawal syndrome...
...1538 Withdrawal Alcohol withdrawal syndrome Typically begins...
...fifth day Alcohol withdrawal delirium (delirium tremens...
...simplest BAL assessment Withdrawal assessment with high...
...norm Treatment of withdrawal Goals Minimize adverse...
...adverse outcomes of withdrawal Avoid adverse effects...
...adverse effects of withdrawal medications Two contrasting...
...questions Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol,...
...abuse or alcohol withdrawal Client will obtain...
...of intoxication or withdrawal Promote participation in...
...client safety during withdrawal Observe client for...
...Observe client for withdrawal symptoms, seizure precautions...
...alcohol use or withdrawal Client accepts responsibility...
...from chronic use Withdrawal symptoms Chronic health...
...appear to have withdrawal symptomstrembling, excessive crying...
...effects and experiences withdrawal symptoms without continued...
...obtain drugs Substance withdrawal symptoms Physiological, behavioral,...
...period of time Withdrawal lasts several days,...
...psychological than physical Withdrawal Treatment for addiction...
...OF OVERDOSE AND WITHDRAWAL, pp. 1566-1567 Nursing...
...(B-DAST) Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) Psychosocial...
...Test Objective Opiate Withdrawal Scale Subjective Opiate...
...Scale Subjective Opiate Withdrawal Scale Diagnosis Risk...
...complications of drug withdrawal symptoms Client will...
...client safety during withdrawal Observe for withdrawal...
...withdrawal Observe for withdrawal symptoms Monitor vital... complication from withdrawal Admits problem with...
N/A 266
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