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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 107.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences | Downloaded: 0
...high saturated fat intake Inter- mediate Intermediate... energy As intake of PUFAs increases,...
...when total fat intake was 30 of...
N/A 200
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 52.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0 of the intake of nutrients and...
...balance between nutrient intake and nutritional requirements...
...goals for nutritional intake Food allergy (...
...outlines suggested food intake by food groups...
...and overall caloric intake Bone health in...
...vitamin and mineral intake should not decline...
...( insufficient food intake and being hungry...
...foods and increased intake of animal protein...
...changes in food intake Nonmodifiable risk factors...
...risk factors Nutritional intake is a modifiable...
N/A 183
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 141.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 1
...encourage less food intake, increased activity, screenings...
...mismatch between insulin intake, physical activity, carbohydrate...
...activity, carbohydrate availability Intake of alcohol, drugs... balancing food intake with insulin and...
...optimal nutrition Carbohydrate intake individualized ( 4565...
...for gram Protein intake ( 1520 total... daily kilocalorie intake Low in fat,... daily food intake Meal planning (...
...after exercise Food intake may need to...
...the activity Fluid intake, especially water, is...
...Nutritional therapy Sodium intake restricted to less...
...calories, moderate fat intake Vitamin and mineral...
...protein and nutrient intake Arrange consultation with...
...eating Recording food intake, amount, location, situations...
...weight, health Diet/food intake Family history Physical... excess food intake Establish realistic weight...
...of inadequate calcium intake Pathophysiology and etiology...
...abuse Cigarettes Alcohol intake Sedentary lifestyle Weight-bearing...
...a daily calcium intake of 1,2001,500 mg...
...women to maintain intake of 1,0001,500 mg...
...Avoiding excessive alcohol intake Limiting caffeine intake...
...intake Limiting caffeine intake Evaluation Client identifies...
...achieves adequate calcium intake Client identifies and...
...of TSH Excessive intake of thyroid medications...
...factors Increased iodine intake Age between 20...
...Encourage a fluid intake of up to...
N/A 737
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 104 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 1
...Most recent food/fluid intake Known allergies Current...
...oral fluids Monitor intake and output Prevent...
...infusion until oral intake is adequate Assess...
...of normal nutritional intake will occur Client...
...Nonpharmacologic therapy Food intake may be eliminated...
...vomiting Dietary fat intake may be limited... with adequate intake of fat-soluble vitamins...
...Discuss relationship between intake and pain Teach... reduce fat intake Withhold oral food...
...or limiting oral intake to elemental feedings...
...indicated Maintain fluid intake by mouth or...
...Promote adequate nutritional intake IBD ( malabsorption,...
...electrolyte status, and intake and output Monitor...
...weight, tolerates daily intake to meet nutritional...
...necessary Mild alcohol intake is not harmful...
...maintain adequate nutritional intake Client will maintain... limit food intake after evening meal,...
...gradually reduce food intake to avoid discomfort...
...pattern of food intake, eating schedule, foods...
N/A 202
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 102 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...body fluids Fluid intake At moderate activity,...
...Vital signs Fluid intake and output Oral...
...therapies Independent Monitor intake and output Weigh...
...attention Implementation Accurate intake and output Weigh...
...hypotension, maintaining fluid intake, prevention of fluid...
...Weigh daily Maintain intake, output records Administer...
...affected by food intake Educate clients to...
...maintain appropriate sodium intake ( see Box...
...if needed Monitor intake and output Observe...
...maintains equality of intake and output Review...
...needs Maintain hourly intake and output Weigh...
...tissue perfusion Monitor intake and output, weight,...
...nutrition Monitor food intake Weigh client daily...
N/A 174
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 105 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...Fluid and food intake Muscle tone Psychosocial...
...( encourage increased intake of fluid and...
...infection Maintain accurate intake and output records...
...examination Discuss fluid intake management, perineal care,...
...65 Insufficient fiber intake Insufficient fluid intake...
...intake Insufficient fluid intake Insufficient activity or...
...consumption, and fluid intake Performing Kegel exercises... increase fluid intake, fiber intake, and...
...fluid intake, fiber intake, and exercise Maintain...
...whether clients fluid intake, diet appropriate Determine...
...bonds weak Fluid intake Composition of kidney...
...Dehydration Excess dietary intake of calcium, oxalate,...
...effectiveness Encourage fluid intake, ambulation unless contraindicated...
...urolithiasis Increase fluid intake to 2,5003,500 mL...
...of maintaining fluid intake to produce 2.02.5...
...demonstrates adequate fluid intake Review Urinary Calculi...
N/A 222
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 32 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Genetics | Downloaded: 0
...persons whole food intake. How much food...
...exceeds the recommended intake 2500 mg/day (per...
...exceeds the recommended intake 2500 mg/day (per...
...have a high intake of potassium. Control...
...range of recommended intake 1600 mg/day 2500...
...the recommended adult intake 1600 mg/day. Measurements...
N/A 190
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