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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 556.52 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...on injecte une solution d’héparine à 1%...
...déterminée Q d’une solution du colorant à...
...en présence d’une solution trop concentrée pour...
...dilution de la solution pour que sa...
...On dilue la solution au 1/6ème : on...
...partir de la solution de départ pour... 1,2). La solution de départ est...
...rapport à la solution mère Concentration (en...
...déterminer Q. Notre solution est à 0,2...
...part, et une solution de mannitol (10%)...
...veine où la solution inoculée se mélangera...
...On injecte une solution de liquide physiologique... s’agit d’une solution de mannitol à...
...clairement que la solution de mannitol est...
...excités par la solution de mannitol qui...
...0,2 mL d’une solution de HCl à...
...0,84 Interprétations La solution d’HCl permet d’apporter...
...en perfusion d’une solution d’adrénaline à 10-6 »,...
...en perfusion d’une solution d’adrénaline à 5.10-6 »...
...en perfusion d’une solution d’adrénaline à 10-5 ».... perfusion d'une solution d'adrénaline à 10-6...
...l’injection de la solution dans le ventricule....
...en perfusion d’une solution d’acétylcholine à 5.10-7 »....
...l’injection de la solution d’acétylcholine à 5.10-7,...
...passage de la solution dans le ventricule,...
...cœur avec la solution d’adrénaline dont la...
N/A 123
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 601.39 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0 perfusion une solution d’adrénaline. On sort...
...vite dans la solution d’adrénaline. Lorsque qu’une...
...tuyau contient la solution – on le...
...instantanément dans la solution de Ringer. Une...
...parcours de la solution et déterminer le... perfusion d'une solution d'adrénaline à 5.10-7... perfusion d'une solution d'adrénaline à 10-6...
...Fréquence en min-1 Solution d’adrénaline à 5.10-7...
...3241,2 0,31 18,51 Solution d’adrénaline à 10-6...
...concentrations. Pour la solution à 5.10-7, Amplitude :...
...fréquence Pour la solution à 10-6 Amplitude :... perfusion d'une solution d'acétylcholine à 10-6...
...important, avec une solution de Ringer contenant... perfusion d'une solution d'atropine sur l'activité... perfusion d'une solution d'adrénaline à 10-6... perfusion d'une solution d'acétylcholine à 10-6...
N/A 169
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 42.47 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...that encloses a solution different from the...
...from the surrounding solution while still permitting...
...membrane separating a solution with dye molecules...
...In a dilute solution like most biological...
...of a surrounding solution to cause a...
...tonicity of a solution depends in part... the surrounding solution, water tends to...
...immersed in a solution that is hypertonic...
...immersed in a solution that is hypotonic...
...cell in a solution hypotonic to the... a hypertonic solution. As the plant... the extracellular solution. By generating voltage...
...are given a solution to drink that...
N/A 191
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 37.08 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...CO2. This morphological solution created a new...
...and the extracellular solution. Molecules tend to...
...membrane from the solution with the higher...
...potential to the solution with the lower...
...immersed in a solution with a higher...
...pure water. Any solution at atmospheric pressure...
...a 0.1-molar (M) solution of any solute...
...a 0.1 M solution is separated from...
...osmosis into the solution. Water will move...
...exit. If a solution is separated from...
...pressure on the solution can counter its...
...water from the solution to the compartment...
...a 0.1 M solution (psi = -0.23...
...water to the solution. Application of physical...
...placed in a solution with a higher... the surrounding solution and water will...
...Diffusion in a solution is fairly efficient...
...uptake of soil solution by the hydrophilic...
...roots. The soil solution flows into the...
...cells to soil solution and increasing membrane...
...As the soil solution moves along the...
...the dilute soil solution and concentrate them... the soil solution. This selective process...
...into the soil solution. Cohesion of water...
...moves the whole solution, water plus minerals... an aqueous solution in which sugar,...
N/A 157
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 33.88 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 called a solution. A sugar cube...
...form a uniform solution of sugar and...
...In an aqueous solution, water is the...
...resulting in a solution with two solutes:...
...solutes in aqueous solution. When carrying out...
...a material in solution is called its... (1 M) solution has 1 mole...
...a 1 M solution of sucrose, we...
...or basic a solution is. An acid...
...concentration in a solution. When hydrochloric acid...
...produces an acidic solution. Any substance that...
...concentration in a solution is a base....
...ion from the solution, creating an ammonium...
...concentration of a solution. In any aqueous...
...In any aqueous solution at 25°C, the...
...In a neutral solution at room temperature,...
...acid to a solution shifts the balance...
...pH of a solution is defined as...
...In a neutral solution, = 10?7 M...
...of a neutral solution is 7. Acidic...
...OH? concentrations. A solution of pH 3...
...acidic as a solution of pH 6...
...pH of a solution when H+ or...
...added to the solution. Buffers accept hydrogen...
...ions from the solution when they are...
...H+ from the solution. Acidification of rivers,...
N/A 163
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 204.08 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...of an aqueous solution depends on A)... a hypotonic solution. D) existing in... an isotonic solution. E) Both B...
...M sucrose (C12H22O11) solution at 25°C is...
...M glucose (C6H12O6) solution at 25°C compare...
...A) The glucose solution has a lower...
...B) The glucose solution has a higher...
...of the glucose solution without more information....
...not form a solution due to ________.... an aqueous solution with an H+...
...A 49) A solution containing 10-8 M...
...a 10-4 M solution of HCl is...
...C 53) Compare solution A with pH...
...= 4 to solution B with pH...
...hydronium ion in solution A is twice...
...twice that in solution B. B) Solution...
...solution B. B) Solution A has greater...
...buffering capacity than solution B. C) The...
...hydronium ion in solution A is 100...
...times that in solution B. D) The...
...pH of a solution of an organic...
...a 0.10 M solution of a weak...
...ability of the solution to buffer is...
...0.1 M buffer solution having a pH...
...polar molecule in solution are immobile and...
N/A 136
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 462.08 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...acidic 15. A solution of pH 7...
...compared to a solution of pH 9...
...containing a DNA solution and a beaker...
...containing a glucose solution. If chemical analysis...
...a 4% NaCl solution. How much NaCl...
...acidic is a solution with a pH...
...3 than a solution with a pH...
...concentration of a solution expresses the amount...
...False 56. If solution A has a...
...pH compared to solution B, then solution...
...solution B, then solution A is more...
...more acidic than solution B. True False...
...________________________________________ 64. A solution is composed of...
...acidic 15. A solution of pH 7...
...compared to a solution of pH 9...
...containing a DNA solution and a beaker...
...containing a glucose solution. If chemical analysis...
...a 4% NaCl solution. How much NaCl...
...acidic is a solution with a pH...
...3 than a solution with a pH...
...concentration of a solution expresses the amount...
...FALSE 56. If solution A has a...
...pH compared to solution B, then solution...
...solution B, then solution A is more...
...more acidic than solution B. TRUE 57....
...nucleus 64. A solution is composed of...
N/A 150
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 237.91 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...Are acidic in solution D. Are basic...
...Are basic in solution E. Always form...
...form salts in solution 27. A solution...
...solution 27. A solution is composed of...
...Acidic 29. A solution of pH 7...
...compared to a solution of pH 9...
...correct 30. A solution of pH 7...
...compared to a solution of pH 9...
...containing a DNA solution and a beaker...
...containing a glucose solution. If chemical analysis...
...concentration of a solution expresses the amount...
...FALSE 64. If solution A has a...
...pH compared to solution B, then solution...
...solution B, then solution A is more...
...more acidic than solution B. TRUE 65....
N/A 150
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 256.12 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...substance that, in solution, releases A. Oxygen...
...groups in a solution 19. The smallest...
...58 25. A solution that contains an... 36. A solution with a high...
...more acidic the solution C. The greater...
...)? A. A solution with the pH...
...2 B. A solution with the pH...
...)? A. A solution with the pH...
...11 B. A solution with the pH...
...Cl A. A solution of ions is...
...+ Cl the solution formed is called...
N/A 145
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 286.88 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...39. An unknown solution is poured into...
...A. The unknown solution is covalent. B....
...B. The unknown solution is hydrophilic. C....
...C. The unknown solution is adhesive. D....
...D. The unknown solution is ionic. E....
...E. The unknown solution is hydrophobic. Hydrophilic...
...solute C. the solution D. the buffer...
...the ion A solution contains both a...
...solute E. solvent, solution A solution contains...
...solvent, solution A solution contains both a...
...46. In a solution, if the hydroxide...
...ion concentration the solution is considered to...
...ions from the solution. C. it dissociates...
...ions from the solution. E. it dissociates...
...What type of solution has a pH... an acidic solution. A pH above... a basic solution. 50. Limewater with... an acidic solution. A pH above... a basic solution. 51. Lemon Juice...
...base B. buffering solution C. weak base... an acidic solution. A pH above... a basic solution. 52. A solution...
...solution. 52. A solution which resists pH...
...pH of a solution as 7.1. The...
...acid to the solution and finds that...
...pH of the solution is still 7.1....
...A. The original solution was weakly acidic....
...B. The original solution was weakly basic....
...C. The original solution was buffered. D....
...D. The original solution was strongly basic....
...E. The original solution was strongly acidic....
...(OH-) in the solution. True / False...
...hydroxide ions the solution is considered an...
N/A 206
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