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Question 381 

Herophilus and Erasistratus were famous Hellenistic________.
A) mathematicians
B)  astronomers
C) literary figures
D) doctors


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Question 382 

Where did the Hellenistic Age really begin?
A) Athens
B) Sparta
C) Macedon
D) Troy


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Question 383 

Zoroastrianism provided comfort to Persians in the Hellenistic period because it ________.
A) promised a restoration of the Persian great kings
B) merged with Macedonian religion
C) allowed them to join the ruling classes
D) helped them join forces with the Hebrews


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Question 384 

Compared to classical Greek tactics, Philip II relied more on _______.
A) cavalry
B) infantry
C) the navy
D) surprise


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Question 385 

Looking at Map 4.1, “The Conquests of Alexander the Great,” which of these portions of Alexander’s empire would probably be hardest to hold?
A) Bactria
B) Egypt
C) Mesopotamia
D) Macedonia


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Question 386 

Which of these describes the Septuagint?
A) the Greek version of the Hebrew Bible
B) the earliest form of the Bible
C) the Christian Bible
D) the Hebrew Bible written during the Babylonian Exile


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Question 387 

During the Middle Ages, the first colleges and universities were developed under the auspices of the:
  a. government b. military
 c. Catholic church d. political organizations

Question 2

The technology in _____ societies is limited to tools and weapons that are used for basic subsistence, including spears, bows and arrows, nets, traps for hunting, and digging sticks for plant collecting. All tools and weapons are made of natural materials such as stone, bone, and wood.
  a. agrarian b. industrial
 c. hunting and gathering d. horticultural and pastoral

Question 3

In addition to unemployment, structural problems contribute to __________, where people work at jobs that do not pay a living wage and lack security.
  a. underemployment
 b. subemployment
 c. minor employment
 d. marginal employment

Question 4

Perhaps the earliest education occurred in ancient Greece and Rome, where philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle taught elite males the skills required to become thinkers and orators who could engage in the art of persuasion.
  a. manifest c. primary

Question 5

Social scientists have identified five types of societies based on various levels of _____ technology: hunting and gathering, horticultural and pastoral, agrarian, industrial, and postindustrial societies.
  a. innovativeb. subsistence
 c. primary d. socioeconomic

Question 6

Computers and other technologies perform a great deal of work today, reducing the need for workers with special expertise. As a result, high-paying positions have been replaced with low-paying positions. This process has been termed __________.
  a. deinstitutionalization
 b. deindustrialization
 c. disengagement
 d. deskilling

Question 7

_____ education is defined as the learning that takes place within an academic setting such as a school, which has a planned instructional process and teachers who convey specific knowledge, skills, and thinking processes to students.
  a. Formal b. Latent
 c. Informal d. Manifest


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Question 388 

  a. was a popular hero of the Peloponnesian War.
  b. was a merchant prince by trade.
  c. employed a question-and-answer method by which students' reasoning helped them to learn.
  d. wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War.
  e. was a student of Plato.


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Question 389 

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Quintilian were all philosophers who made significant contributions to education even though they lived two thousand years ago. Choose any two of these philosophers. Compare their views and illustrate how they have affected education in modern times. (Learning Outcome 2.2)


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Question 390 

What best characterizes Greek religious beliefs?
A) Church and state were clearly separated.
B) The gods affected every aspect of life, including politics.
C) The gods were believed to be uninterested in human affairs.
D) The Greek city-states did not share a belief in the same gods.


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