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Computers 'Talk' to Yeast

Scientists have used a computer to "talk" to yeast in a Zurich laboratory. In the conversation, the researchers created a communication loop between regular brewers yeast and a computer, giving control to the computer over protein production in the yeast cell. This "feedback control" between the computer and the yeast is the first of its kind and opens the door to use a computer to manage genetically altered microorganisms.

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In 2002, a study in Nature Biotechnology found that when a red light was shone onto basic yeast (called Saccharomyces cerevisiae), it would become active and produce a protein. A deeper red light would deactivate the cells.

Now the team has taken the research a step farther by tying a "reporter molecule" to a gene that activates the production of the protein. When the yeast begins protein production, the fluorescent reporter molecule actives as well. This molecule can be seen by a computer to confirm that the yeast are active. Once the desired level of protein is reached, the computer can flash a deeper red light, deactivating the yeast.
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