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There are four hospitals (consumers in this example) willing to pay the following amounts for a ...

Thar- are lourhoapllals (mnsumars m this example) willlng to pay lha «allowing amounls for a ventilator: Hospltal w Mmplul x Hospllll v Hospllal z $90900 540,000 $25000 $71000 Thehs ar- pmduners man can produce al mosl one vanlllalnr each and al the lollawlng oasis: Pmducnr A Produur a ondunor c Produur D Slsmo 330,000 555mm $10,000 thl is me hwsl surplus Inal can be reallzed ll dnly ans vamilaldr can he produced? Whlch film should produce and which hnspllal shauld consume «7 ll only one vehlllzldr can be praducea. l| should be made by Pmducev D and cansurnad by Husphal w resullmg lh s mlxmlum surplus pl 5 mm (Enter your answer as s who/9 number) Whul is In. hlqul possum surplus mzl can be reslrzed VI me markel (or veanalors’! Whlch hospllals should consum- lhssa vanlilalors? Whlch producers shauld mm venlllalors? The hlghell WSSlbla surplus 15 s ‘ whmh accurs when Hospllals v consumer vannlslors and Producers 1 make ventilators (Enler your answer as a whole nummrr)
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