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Bioinformatics tools at the BAR (Bio-Array Resource).

DNA sequence and microarray datasets are used by algorithms that permit the investigator to ask questions about a gene of interest. (a) The display shows that 250 different datasets were consulted, which represent a number of experiments involving different tissues, growth conditions, treatments, and mutants. The colour-coded bars identify the sample, but the legend has been removed for simplicity. The heatmap shows the expression of AFO in these samples. The algorithm was asked to find genes whose expression negatively correlates with that of AFO. These genes may be targets that are repressed by AFO. (b) Electronic fluorescent pictograph (eFP) representation of AFO expression during development. (c) eFP representation of the expression of one of the possible AFO targets. Note that in tissues where AFO expression is high, the target gene expression tends to be low, and vice versa.
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