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Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 1.3% Relevant
1. As Christians we are warned in The Bible Revelation about end times when noone will be able to sell or buy if dont have the mark of the beast, altho per'se the current shift dont need to be that hiving in full'digital'economy altho its path towards as mechanism for totalitarian control!, practically we will be cornered in electronic gulag once such system is revealed and eventually its misuse will be norm once "someone" mastered complete control or infiltration in it!, relevant question is whether the prime and true globalist elites are neopagans that lust for apotheosis thus utmost opposite to Christianity, altho we are warned that many will be fooled to accept "their" false prophet thus through ecumenism probably Christianity will be in large part thrown in universalist apostasy that is seen as one'love'religion as glue for "their" neopagan new'world'order!

2. Automation is "their" neopagan hype towards transhumanist apotheosis where reaching man'god'level is seen as possible by enough trial&error through bionic&genetic manipulation, thus per'se not that "their" neopagan humanist malthusian hype is enbloc accepted by all peers in "their" neopagan cauldron as agreed variable for certain depopulation, probably many among "them" believe that as cyborgs we would be more effective and durable even reaching beyond the cosmic radiation till solar system colonization and terraforming of other neighboring planets, yet in essence now needs to pass obviously the phase of acceptance of transhumanism and merging of man and machines however dread is that transhuman eugenic stage for total IoB hiving!, for what volunteers maybe now will not be too much (altho we the past plandemix many indeed gave a hand) yet mids controlled chaos as global economic collapse or eventual ww3 such experimental pool will burst enmasse!

3. yes owning physical gold is safest option for securing some backup, but even then logically mids economic depression as I am pointing those who will be (legal or illegal) guards in Your hood will bullet'count Your steps towards secured quality of life, So in every situation safest and more logical survival option of whatever hardships ahead is Rural Farming Refuge (whether in question is coercion for cyborgization OR dystopian concrete jungle circumstances) hm hm hm how geopolitically are playing "they" are intentionally pushing inertia towards rigged dystopia what as controlled chaos eventually need to bring (by problem solution spin) mass longing towards voluntary hiving coz secured safety yeah from the hungry hordes!

4. but lets say I am projecting wrong mosaic of reasoning (i.e. that there are utopian global elites with certain neopagan heaven'on'earth n'w'o agenda) and that all that is happening now is just mere accidental occurrence of bad financial cycles that were not manipulated not rigged towards certain great'reset AND that all hype with automatization is just normal consequence of the regular progress of science (and not some predetermined planned obsolescence of transhumanist progress ~ altho as future shock it was and is [1][1]) even in and by such assumption of naive selfrevealing circumstances still Agrarianism should be preferred stimulated and subsidized way of coping with automatization [2] in which case surely we would seen volunteers for cyborgs too, but this like now all to be pushed towards unisex androgen mold by coerced plandemix skims that hm that is wrongness on steroids of euroatlantic elitist exceptionalism!, in essence we are pushed by trickery towards it, and if that didnt pass with "their" plandemix till great'reset "they" hope will pass as provoked economic meltdown coz the ukrainian crisis and if that cant bring "their" great'reset'reality surely it will be pushed in motion ww3 ordo'ab'chao scenario!

5. In essence if "they" wanted to "they" could had have pour from empty to empty in hollow and back as "they" would want to, but obviously afraid from the revival of Orthodox Christianity in Russia and bionic&genetic revolution hype in China so as euroatlantic determinists probably got scared that as more as "they" wait so as hard it will be to keep secured "their" current geopolitical and global financial influence so in panic pulled prematurely "their" Agenda'50 in A'21 or now A'30 actually great'reset'shapeshifting of democracy in technocracy and humanism in transhumanism, thus now we are where we are, and to this panic of "theirs" we cant respond in different manner but as least as possible to depend from "their" system!, what by all means is doable if its defied by Agrarianism on the first level of the maslows pyramid example!, altho to that good condiment would be eTOS response of mobilized intellectual will on thematic eforums in every society where and when 24/7 will respond all experts in its own fields of specialization towards securing risk management and responding with particular constant public debate on etool like eforums [3]
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 19.2% Relevant
Small hickup above coz wrong thread posting, altho that post [1] can end up here as well like reminder that even mids eventual global economic stagflation coz full'digital'economy shift (if not depression coz geopolitical tensions) that the health can be cushioned somehow cheap even there are not widely available pharmaceuticals around, what for many will be norm as phytotherapy approach even full'digi'economy bounce ahead simply coz they will not be willing or eligible to hook in the game!

Another important realms that will be at risk from eventual economic hardship except healthcare are the social and communal sectors, overall what it will be in question mids huge crisis is the capacity of societies to coup with the regular administrative functioning eg. even anxiety or poverty reflex [2] which in such circumstances for sure will grow exponentially, for what most important thing think it will be the will and knowhow societies to mobilize so would respond more effectively, what is doable by (or even better now in time is laid the necessary infrastructure for) eTOS reality [3][3][4] as interactive compacting of the intellectual and resourceful potentials of some community or society!

Maybe less obvious now but also important momentum for better quality of life mids global crisis is the will for shift from individualism to collectivism, what maybe in capitalist environment is hard now to be achieved but once hyperinflation will hit the bell then for sure those who will be willing to join forces for collective commuting working help eachother not just interactively but also practically those logically will curb with the hardships with ease, easy to be said yet go live under same roof with your broader family coz easier survival, maybe if Agrarianism became norm thus from choiceless necessity but even then if You have at least some building knowhow it would more bearable the shared space [5][5][6][6] practically mind prepping is utmost important think at the moment so in eventual economic turmoil ahead at least filtrated water as basic necessity will be secured for what going with charcoal is easiest way around but go make coal easily if cant be bought thus calculate the odds for available pure drinking water if need to move from your concrete jungle due to eventual urban havoc i.e. how to secure quick and easy setup for filtration [7] now go find some important prepping books that will help You out around survivalist bushcraft ~ there are also many prep eforums where it could be found info what is essential for Your own library [8][8][8]

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