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bio_man bio_man
Posts: 33271
10 years ago
Anyone else notice how CNN is trying to villanize Russia the same way they did to Syrian roughly half a year ago?
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Staff Member
10 years ago
They need to win the people's vote in order to 'ethically' spend tax payer money to go into war.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
That's what media does to everyone though. When was the last time you heard something positive - positivity doesn't sell, negativity does! Remember the whole Pussy Riot thing that happened in Russia. All we heard was how badly the feminist punks were treated by Russian police, but they never showed what the punks actually did to cause the uprising. Here is a picture, you can create a caption for yourself:

Valued Member
On Hiatus
10 years ago
Media and propaganda are almost identical terms. Making something wrong seem right is what they do best.
About this new thing with Russia, I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know that I am against war.

positivity doesn't sell, negativity does
Sometimes this is a reason, but in our case the matter is too serious, so if it's really propaganda, I am pretty sure there are ulterior motives
Staff Member
10 years ago
I don't know much about it either, but I do know that a similar problem is happening in Venezuala, yet they aren't getting a fraction of the attention that Russians and Ukraine are. That's because the USA is involved there, they need Ukraine as a base for future military strategies against Russia. It's kind of like when Russia made a pact with Cuba to build a base in Cuba during the cold war. Russia is afraid of the same thing, this time the USA is doing it./
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago

While western media and politicians are up in arms about Russia’s “Invasion” into Ukraine, they are not admitting to how western nations like the United States are involved in creating the power vacuum in the first place that Putin is taking advantage of.

You're right Face with Stuck-out Tongue
Valued Member
On Hiatus
10 years ago
I don't care who started it or who is fueling these actions, I care about the results and the real possibility of a war.

You're right Face with Stuck-out Tongue
You accept everything they see and you change the focus of attention on other trivial matters. That is the purpose of media propaganda.
Staff Member
10 years ago
Because of the internet, educated people are no longer fooled as easily

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
10 years ago
What is a politician? Not what we need. We need community organizers. The organizers need to be honest and open about all public matters. They deserve to be paid well for the job. Well enough to prevent corruption that is always an obvious concern with a governing body. There should be a separation of powers. There should be oversight committees. Each representative of each committee should solely represent themselves. An individual party system is the most important thing to prevent corruption. Meaning all representatives need to be segregated from each other and vote by themselves. Meetings and discussions on public matters should be openly discussed with the public body.

Community organizers number one priority should be fairness and opportunity for everyone. Less regulations leeds to more opportunity. With less regulations and more opportunity communities could benefit by assisting the well being of the citizens, instead of targeting petty criminal activities like marijuana. The police need too be retrained to serve and protect, Which is what there meant to do. When I drive by a police officer I want to feel safe not paranoid.

The police handle violent criminal activities such and safety issues. That's what they should focus on.

It is necessary that politicians/community organizers are paid well and keep their books open and available in public view.

All federal money should be accounted for. No more secret spending because we know that goes right into the politicians pockets. If secret missions need to be done they can be done but need to be disclosed to the public right after they accomplish what they set out to do.

Over 200 reps of Congress and almost all are either democrats or republicans. Each one of them should be a member of their own party. That would prevent corruption. As a matter of fact they should be kept segregated and should have to live in their own states. They should each have to announce their votes on national television. There's no reason for secrets if they are not doing anything wrong. Each State rep should have an over site Committee looking over them. The over sight committee should consist of one rep from each town and each of them should be kept segregated as well. The individual party system is the most fair. Each rep should represent themselves and that will remove corruption.

All local Government and federal money should be accounted for. No more secret spending because we know that goes right into the politicians pockets. If secret missions need to be done they can be done but need to be disclosed to the public right after they accomplish what they set out to do. The war on drugs needs to be shut down and they need to be regulated. Prisoners should not be privately owned. The government needs to stop invading on our privacy. I prefer living free with no surveillance then living under surveillance with what you.
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