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chevysevenone chevysevenone
Posts: 4
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12 years ago
Is there anyone that can help me out with these questions?  Would be greatly appreciated.

Reproduction refers to:


   A. the formation of new cells.   

   B. the production of a new individual.   

   C. Both the formation of new cells and the production of a new individual.   

   D. an increase in the size of cells.   

   E. Both an increase in the size of cells and the formation of new cells.   

A compound is a chemical composed of two or more different elements.



Decomposition reactions break down chemical bonds.



Water requires a large amount of heat to change from a liquid to a gas.



Body fluids lost by excessive sweating during physical activity are most easily replaced by drinking pure water.



Calcium is involved in blood clotting.



Dehydration decreases the production of saliva.



Both body water and sodium are lost during excessive sweating.



Ribosomes consist of three subunits of equal size.



The plasma membrane consists of


   A. mostly proteins.   

   B. phospholipids, proteins, and carbohydrates.   

   C. carbohydrates and lipids.   

   D. only phospholipids.   

   E. cellulose and carbohydrates.   
The nucleus can communicate with the cytosol via nuclear pores.



Most proteins can easily move across the plasma membrane.



Nonciliated columnar epithelium often contains microvilli and goblet cells.



The different types of epithelia are named according to


   A. location and type of secretion.   

   B. cell size and shape.   

   C. cell shape and location in the body.   

   D. location and number of layers of cells.   

   E. cell shape and number of layers of cells.   
The tissue lining body cavities is


   A. connective tissue.   

   B. nervous tissue.   

   C. skeletal tissue.   

   D. muscle tissue.   

   E. epithelial tissue.   
Goblet cells are found in which of the following tissues?


   A. nervous tissue   

   B. cuboidal epithelium   

   C. columnar epithelium   

   D. none of the above   

   E. connective tissue   
The skin belongs to the


   A. integumentary system   

   B. skeletal system   

   C. circulatory system   

   D. muscular system   

   E. nervous system   
The cells producing the pigment responsible for skin color are the


   A. melanocytes   

   B. Adipocytes   

   C. Langerhans cells   

   D. Merkel cells   

   E. keratinocytes   
The layer of the epidermis which contains cells capable of continued cell division is the


   A. stratum corneum   

   B. stratum granulosum   

   C. stratum lucidum   

   D. stratum basale   

   E. stratum spinosum   
The dermis contains both elastic and collagen fibers.



The brain is protected by cranial bones.



Bone continuously replaces itself throughout adult life.



In adults, the medullary cavity contains red bone marrow.



The decrease of estrogen levels in females after the age of 40 increases the loss of calcium from bones.



A strain is always more serious than a sprain.



Freely moveable joints are called


   A. amphiarthroses.   

   B. symphysis.   

   C. diarthroses.   

   D. gomphosis.   

   E. synarthroses.   
The scientific study of joints is called


   A. arthrology.   

   B. anthropology.   

   C. orthoscopy.   

   D. archeology.   

   E. rheumatology.   
Which of the following is a cartilaginous joint?


   A. syndesmosis   

   B. gomphosis   

   C. suture   

   D. diarthrosis   

   E. symphysis   
Which of the following muscles adducts the thigh and flexes the leg?


   A. tibialis anterior   

   B. rectus femoris   

   C. gastronemicus   

   D. gracilis   

   E. flexor digitorum longus   
The sarcomere is the area between two


   A. I bands.   

   B. H zones.   

   C. B lines.   

   D. Z discs.   

   E. A bands.   
A muscle that produces an upward movement is a


   A. depressor.   

   B. tensor.   

   C. levator.   

   D. pronator.   

   E. flexor.   
Which of the following is NOT a function of muscle tissue?


   A. Control of the volume of a hollow organ   

   B. Vitamin D production   

   C. Heat production   

   D. Body movements   

   E. Body position   
Saltatory conduction refers to the conduction of impulses in


   A. all axons.   

   B. cardiac muscle.   

   C. unmyelinated fibers.   

   D. skeletal muscle.   

   E. myelinated fibers.   
Depolarization of a membrane is begins with the


   A. opening of potassium channels.   

   B. closing of sodium channels.   

   C. opening of chlorine channels.   

   D. closing of potassium channels.   

   E. opening of sodium channels.   
The period of time during which the neuron cannot generate another action potential is called


   A. refractory period.   

   B. repolarization.   

   C. threshold period.   

   D. hyperpolarization.   

   E. depolarization.   
Neurons conducts impulses completely. This is called the:


   A. threshold.   

   B. refractory period.   

   C. electrical excitability.   

   D. All or none principle.   

   E. hyperpolarization.   
Which of the following cranial nerves is sensory only?


   A. olfactory   

   B. facial   

   C. glossopharyngeal   

   D. oculomotor   

   E. hypoglossal   
The cervical enlargement contains nerves that supply the


   A. upper limbs.   

   B. lower limbs.   

   C. thorax.   

   D. vertebral column.   

   E. None of the above.   
The thalamus is found in the region of the brain known as the


   A. diencephalon.   

   B. cerebellum.   

   C. brain stem.   

   D. cerebrum.   

   E. hypothalamus.   
The dorsal root contains


   A. autonomic fibers only.   

   B. sensory fibers only.   

   C. both sensory and motor fibers.   

   D. motor fibers only.   

   E. somatic fibers only.   
The ganglia that run vertically along both sides of the backbone are the


   A. prevertebral ganglia.   

   B. dorsal root ganglia.   

   C. terminal ganglia.   

   D. sympathetic trunk ganglia.   

   E. superior mesenteric ganglia.   
The first motor neuron in an autonomic pathway is called a


   A. postganglionic neuron.   

   B. parasympathetic neuron.   

   C. autonomic ganglion.   

   D. preganglionic neuron.   

   E. sympathetic neuron.   
The autonomic nervous system


   A. innervates skeletal muscles.   

   B. has one motor neuron from the CNS to the effector.   

   C. is always excitatory.   

   D. is under voluntary control.   

   E. operates without conscious control.   
Sympathetic preganglionic neurons


   A. are unmyelinated.   

   B. tend to be relatively long.   

   C. synapse in the terminal ganglion.   

   D. originate in the spinal cord.   

   E. originate in the brain.   
A ringing in the ears is scientifically referred to as


   A. otalgia   

   B. vertigo   

   C. trachoma   

   D. bellitus   

   E. tinnitus   
The sense that tells us which muscles are contracted, the amount of tension in a joint, the position of the joints, and orientation of the head is called


   A. gustation.   

   B. nociception.   

   C. proprioception.   

   D. adaptation.   

   E. touch reception.   
The center of the eardrum is connected to the


   A. incus.   

   B. stapes.   

   C. malleus.   

   D. vestibule.   

   E. cochlea.   
The muscle responsible for changing the shape of the lens to improve near vision is the


   A. superior oblique muscle.   

   B. arrector pili muscle.   

   C. superior rectus muscle.   

   D. ciliary muscle.   

   E. iris.   
Which of the following is NOT a regulatory mechanism for acid/base balance in the body?


   A. protein buffers   

   B. the kidneys   

   C. the digestive system   

   D. the respiratory system   
A decrease in the normal metabolic rate:


   A. results in the formation of more H+    

   B. causes more carbon dioxide to form as a metabolic waste product.   

   C. can potentially cause a state of acidosis   

   D. results in a higher plasma pH   
Osmosis is considered the movement of solute particles from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration.



Which one is NOT an example of a passive transport mechanism?


   A. Active transport    

   B. Simple diffusion    

   C. Facilitated diffusion    

   D. Osmosis    
Facilitated diffusion requires the use of cellular energy (ATP) expenditure.



Put the steps of the process of excitation-contraction coupling in the correct order of occurrence.

1. Acetylcholine diffuses into the sarcolemma and binds to receptors in the muscle cell.
2. The end plate potential triggers a series of events that results in the contraction of a muscle cell.
3. An action potential in a motor neuron triggers the release of acetylcholine.
4. The resulting change in ion permeability triggers a depolarization of the plasma membrane called an end plate potential.


   A. 1-2-4-3    

   B. 1-2-3-4    

   C. 3-1-2-4    

   D. 3-1-4-2    
Contraction of a skeletal muscle that results from a single stimulus is called a ________.


   A. contraction phase   

   B. tetanus   

   C. motor unit   

   D. twitch   
Which of the following is NOT true regarding an isotonic contraction?


   A. it occurs when a a muscle generates a force greater than the load the muscle is attempting to move.   

   B. skeletal muscle length changes.   

   C. it is an all-or-nothing event.   

   D. the speed of the contraction depends on the load that the muscle is attempting to move.   
What is the major cation found inside the the typical nerve cell at rest?


   A. acetylcholine   

   B. sodium    

   C. potassium   

   D. chloride   
Regarding nerve impulses, which of the following changes occur when you increase the stimulus intensity?


   A. The frequency of the action potentials increases.   

   B. The amplitude of the action potential increases.   

   C. The diameter of the action potential increases.   

   D. The resting membrane potential becomes more negative.   

Read 6461 times
8 Replies
Staff Member
12 years ago
I will answer one of them, but by posting more than 2 questions in a thread, you're going against forum rules.

A compound is a chemical composed of two or more different elements.




Please be more selective.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
chevysevenone Author
12 years ago
Thanks Duddy! how do I go about asking help for this mid term?
Staff Member
12 years ago
Just whenever you have a question, ask a question, but limit each topic to one question - not 20 lol
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
12 years ago
Body fluids lost by excessive sweating during physical activity are most easily replaced by drinking pure water.



12 years ago
In adults, the medullary cavity contains red bone marrow.



Answere ----------> True

The decrease of estrogen levels in females after the age of 40 increases the loss of calcium from bones.



Answer --------> True
chevysevenone Author
12 years ago

you are freakin awesome..thank you! 
12 years ago
The skin belongs to the
   A. integumentary system   
The cells producing the pigment responsible for skin color are the
   A. melanocytes   
The dermis contains both elastic and collagen fibers.



For this question, dermis consists a layer called reticular, which contains elastic fiber, so I guess the answer is true.  You might need to look it up in your textbook.
Plasma membrane consists phospholipid bilayer with protein and carbs.

12 years ago
The cells producing the pigment responsible for skin color are the

  A. melanocytes   
    B. Adipocytes   
    C. Langerhans cells   
    D. Merkel cells   

A. Melanocytes
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