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aca2950 aca2950
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12 years ago
What is the definition of homeostasis?
Read 2032 times
10 Replies

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12 years ago
Check this out Wink Face homeostasis
12 years ago
Homeostasis is when the body maintains internal stability (in general) this may be heart rate, temperature, etc. If you had hypothermia, you would NOT be undergoing homeostasis, b/c your body temp would be abnormal. Hope this helped.
12 years ago
Its a dynamic equilibrium in the body. Essentially, its a whole bunch of feedback systems in the body that make it so your body has a stable range of accepted p.H.'s, temperature, salinity, and others (like glucose levels). These are helped by negative feedback loops that prevent extremes from happening most of the time (death, diabetes, or other illnesses are caused generally by a wild swing in homeostasis). A negative feedback loop for example is the insulin loop:

When blood sugar is high, the body sends out insulin which signals the cells to take in sugar and the liver to convert the sugar to our body's equivalent of starch, glycogen.

When blood sugar is low, the body stops producing a lot of insulin and sends out glucagon, which both together stop the cells from feeding on glucose and causes the body to convert the glycogen back into sugar to raise blood sugar.
could of, should of, would of...
12 years ago
The relatively constant conditions within organisms, or the physiological processes by which such conditions are maintained in the face of external variation.

Similar homeostatic controls are used to keep factors such as temperature and blood pressure nearly constant despite changes in an organism's activity level or surroundings. Such systems operate by detecting changes in the variable that the system is designed to hold constant and initiating some action that offsets any change.
12 years ago
Homeo- is a prefix for same. -Stasis is a suffix for steady. So homeostasis is a steady state, or a state of health. Our body actively works to maintain this steady state. To be out of homeostasis causes a unsteady state or a state of dis-ease (hence disease).
12 years ago
th simplst i could explain this is the ability of your body to react to external(outer) conditions. for an example. u go outside and its snowing. ur body shivers.
12 years ago
The main concept of homeostasis is the "struggle" to maintain a nice, even environment (HOMEO=same, STASIS=condition). A good example is maintaining body temperature- your "set point" is 37C, so you body automatically makes adjustments to try to maintain that temperature. Shivering and moving circulation out of the skin are ways of raising the body's temperature. Shunting blood to the skin surface and sweating are ways the body tries to cool itself.
12 years ago
Homeostasis: the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements.

Now, that is the definition of homeostasis. However, it can be phrased more more simply.

Imagine homeostasis as being the balancing point for an organism. If you get too hot, you are not in homeostasis. To correct this, your body sweats, and you cool down. If you get too cold, you shiver. The friction creates heat and restores homeostasis- balance.
12 years ago
Adapting of organism with surrounding is known as homeostasis. For example, suppose you are not exposed to sun light for many days and after that you start working in sun, due to this you are continuously exposed to the harmful ultraviolet radiations form sun. To protect your skin from these radiations, the concentration of melanin in your skin increases. This melanin protects your body from ultraviolet rays. Your skin darkens. This type of adaptation of body with surroundings is called as homeostasis. The adaptations caused due to homeostasis are not inherited, they are present as long as you are in that particular surroundings.
12 years ago
Homeostasis is an organism maintaining a stable internal environment in response to changing external conditions. For example, when you get cold you shiver to produce more body heat. Or when you get hot, you start to sweat in order to cool off
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