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taskal taskal
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6 years ago
The nurse is demonstrating active listening when:
  a. while assessing the patient's vital signs, the nurse records the data and states, You are improving, your vital signs are normal.
  b. eye contact is maintained while focusing on the patient as the patient describes the current pain level and location.
  c. he or she states, I know how you feel, I recently lost my father and I am still hurting.
  d. cultural values are in opposition to the patient but shares that I agree with your decision to use herbs rather than the prescribed medications.

An older adult is unable to reach the phone and is found dead at home several hours later. The son of the deceased person arrives at the hospital and asks, Can I just please stay and hold my dad's hand? He was so afraid of dying alone.
  . Which response by the nurse shows empathy?
  a. You are just too late for that. Where were you when he needed you?
  b. Did you ever consider purchasing a cell phone for your dad to prevent this from happening?
  c. I'll close the door so you can spend time with your dad. I will check back in a few minutes.
  d. I lost my dad last year. He died alone. He was a policeman. I am just like you. Let me stay here and console you.

During a health history interview, the nurse listens to a patient relating the precipitating events that led to the onset of chest pain.
  She focuses her attention on the patient, makes eye contact, and acknowledges what the patient has to say. The nurse is exhibiting:
  a. assertive communication.
  b. active listening.
  c. empathy.
  d. passive communication.

A male nurse hired to work in the emergency department is observed throwing a contaminated needle into the trash can.
  The team leader reprimands the nurse for not appropriately disposing of sharps. The nurse states, You don't care that I threw the needle in the trash. You just want an all-female staff, putting the team leader in a defensive position. This communication technique is known as:
  a. straw man.
  b. red herring.
  c. slippery slope.
  d. confusing cause and effect.
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6 years ago
Correct: The behavior demonstrates active listening. A number of techniques can be used by the receiver to enhance the ability to listen; these include (1) providing undivided attention, (2) giving feedback (rephrasing), (3) making eye contact, (4) noting nonverbal messages (body language), and (5) finishing listening before one begins to speak.
a. This demonstrates assertive communication, which is an overall communication style in which the person displays the presence of positive declaration and persistently demonstrates confidence; he or she has obtained the facts, carefully considered the options, and exuded confidence while forming a point of view; active listening may be a component of assertive communication.
c. This demonstrates empathy, which is the ability to mentally place oneself in another person's situation for the purpose of better understanding a person and sharing the emotions or feelings of that person.
d. This demonstrates passive communication because the individual fails to say what is meant.

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Correct: Empathy is demonstrated by the ability to mentally place oneself in another person's situation to better understand the person and to share the emotions or feelings of the person.
a. Telling the son that he is too late to be there for his dad is an ineffective communication technique, given this situation, and does not support empathy.
b. Asking the son if he ever considered buying his dad a cell phone is an ineffective communication technique, given this situation, and does not support empathy.
d. In terms of communication, it is ineffective for the nurse to share stories, and does not support empathy.

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Correct: In active listening a number of techniques can be used by the receiver to enhance the ability to listen; these include (1) providing undivided attention, (2) giving feedback (rephrasing), (3) making eye contact, (4) noting nonverbal messages (body language), and (5) finishing listening before one begins to speak.
a. Assertive communication is an overall communication style in which the person displays the presence of positive declaration and persistently demonstrates confidence; he or she has obtained the facts, carefully considered the options, and exuded confidence while forming a point of view; active listening may be a component of assertive communication.
c. Empathy is the ability to mentally place oneself in another person's situation for the purpose of better understanding a person and sharing the emotions or feelings of that person.
d. Passive communication is a form of communication in which the individual fails to say what is meant.

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Correct: A red herring is the introduction of an irrelevant topic for the purpose of diverting attention away from the real issue.
a. A straw man occurs when a person's position on a topic is misrepresented.
c. A slippery slope is the belief that one event will inevitably follow another without any real support for that belief.
d. Cause and effect are confused when one assumes that one event must cause another just because the two events often occur together.
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