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sswise1 sswise1
Posts: 635
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6 years ago
What is the significance of the revised definition of death?
  What will be an ideal response?

When is a self-fulfilling prophecy most likely to occur?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are the problems resulting from the formation of a medicalindustrial complex?
  What will be an ideal response?

Why are savings through automation not as easy to achieve in the health field as in other industries?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are some of the negative effects of industrialization on human health?
  What will be an ideal response?

How did Reagan's administration policy contribute to the delay in attacking acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)?
  What will be an ideal response?

How do the traditional sex-roles contribute to higher mortality among men?
  What will be an ideal response?

Which of the following is one of the achievements of the Medicare and Medicaid programs
  a. They have made health-care services very cheap and provide low cost, high quality health-care services to all eligible people.
  b. They have eliminated the possibility and occurrence of fraud by physicians and medical laboratories.
  c. They have made health care available to all citizens regardless of their financial circumstances.
  d. They have been able to pay higher salaries to physicians for their services.

One of the goals of the Affordable Care Act is to ________.
  a. eliminate privatization of health-care services
  b. provide health insurance exclusively for people who were not covered under any other insurance programs
  c. ensure that all citizens have health insurance so that universal access to the health system would be achieved
  d. increase the role played by corporations in deciding the cost and quality of health care provided to insured people

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) differ from other health-care providers in that HMOs ________.
  a. employ greater utilization of preventive health care
  b. have higher hospitalization rates and perform more unnecessary surgeries
  c. are less capable of controlling costs of health-care decisions of doctors and patients
  d. are more expensive and provide more specialized care to patients
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6 years ago
1) Death used to be defined as the cessation of breathing and heartbeat. The newer approach defines death as the prolonged absence of brain waves, or brain death. This gives physicians some legal standing in withholding life-sustaining efforts from those who show virtually no possibility of recovery.

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2) A self-fulfilling prophecy occurs when a person labeled as mentally ill begins to live up to social expectations. This self-fulfilling prophecy is most likely to result when people are experiencing some personal crisis and they are especially sensitive to the reactions of others and vulnerable to any signs of disapproval.

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3) One problem is that the health-care field is not as subject to the laws of competition and the marketplace, as are other economic realms. Health-care consumers, for example, cannot as readily shop for bargains and are heavily dependent on physicians, who benefit from high health-care expenditures, to tell them what health services they need. Another problem is that health corporations can be tempted to cut back on services, and possibly on necessary health care, in order to increase profits.

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4) Savings through automation are not as easy to achieve in the health field as in other industries. Advances in health technology often involve completely new procedures, which call for new technicians, rather than replacing something that had been done less efficiently by older technology. So, improvements in health technology often result in the need for more, not fewer, workers.

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5) Industrialization has created few health hazards, some largely unknown in preindustrial societies, that contribute to death and misery. For example, stress on the job as well as losing a job has substantial health consequences. They can lead to increased heart disease, hypertension, and many other physical and mental illnesses, as well as an increased likelihood of death and a reduced life expectancy. Many human cancers are caused in part by environmental conditions, such as air pollution or chemicals in the water and soil.

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6) Reagan's administration policy advocated smaller government and greater austerity in social and health programs. The Reagan administration entered office soon after the first AIDS victim appeared in the U.S. The competition for government funds in the early 1980s was fierce, and AIDS researchers typically lost out in the battle.

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7) Traditional sex-role definitions encourage males to be aggressive and to seek more stressful and dangerous occupations where they might, for example, come in contact with industrial carcinogens. This leads to an increase in the mortality among men.

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8) Answer: c

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9) Answer: c

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10) Answer: a
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