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MalorieB MalorieB
Posts: 575
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6 years ago
The kissing muscle that purses the lips is the
 A) zygomaticus.
  B) orbicularis oris.
  C) buccinator.
  D) levator labii.
  E) procerus.

(Question 2) The mentalis muscle inserts on the
 A) orbicularis oris.
  B) skin of the chin.
  C) angle of the mouth.
  D) hyoid bone.
  E) skin around the eyelids.

(Question 3) Which of the following is not primarily a muscle of facial expression?
 A) buccinator
  B) depressor labii
  C) risorius
  D) masseter
  E) mentalis

(Question 4) Muscles that position or stabilize an organ are called
 A) externus.
  B) superficialis.
  C) intrinsic.
  D) extrinsic.
  E) oblique.

(Question 5) Muscles visible at the body surface often called
 A) externus.
  B) profundus.
  C) rectus.
  D) transversus.
  E) oblique.

(Question 6) Which of the following is not a pennate muscle?
 A) rectus femoris
  B) extensor digitorum longus
  C) deltoid
  D) pectoralis
  E) All of the answers are correct.

(Question 7) Which muscle is named for either shape or size?
 A) pectoralis major
  B) latissimus dorsi
  C) deltoid
  D) vastus lateralis
  E) All of the above are named for shape or size.

(Question 8) Muscles with fibers that run perpendicular to the long axis of the body are called
 A) lateralis.
  B) transversus.
  C) rectus.
  D) oblique.
  E) medialis.

(Question 9) Muscles with fibers that run at an angle to the long axis of the body are called
 A) lateralis.
  B) transversus.
  C) rectus.
  D) oblique.
  E) medialis.

(Question 10) Muscles located close to the midline of the body may be called
 A) rectus.
  B) distalis.
  C) proximal.
  D) medialis.
  E) lateralis.
Read 88 times
3 Replies

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6 years ago
1) B

- - -

2) B

- - -

3) D

- - -

4) D

- - -

5) A

- - -

6) D

- - -

7) E

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8) B

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9) D

- - -

10) D
MalorieB Author
6 years ago
Oh my goodness! Your post was awesome!
6 years ago
Haha thank you for the nice comment
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