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123kduncan 123kduncan
6 years ago
For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Acute dermatitis due to solar radiation

(Q. 2) Explain the procedures that may be involved in an intrauterine transfusion.

(Q. 3) For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Paronychia of third toe on right foot

(Q. 4) Code 72.4, Forceps Rotation of Fetal Head, contains a code also note along with a list of procedure names that might be referenced in the documentation to mean the same as forceps rotation of fetal head. List three of these procedures. (The ICD-9-CM code book may be needed to correctly answer this question.)

(Q. 5) For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Furuncle of breast

(Q. 6) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  Cesarean section is coded to procedure code __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 7) For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Acute abscess of lymph gland caused by staphylococcus

(Q. 8) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  Clavicotomy on a fetus is coded to procedure code _________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 9) For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Lichen planus

(Q. 10) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  Total breech extraction is coded to procedure code __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
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6 years ago
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Smart ... Thanks!

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You make an excellent tutor!
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