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solaiman solaiman
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6 years ago
Martha Stensons has recently been appointed as governor of Texas. How can she use her informal powers to lobby the Congress for programs that benefit Texas?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 2

How can the governor's session-calling powers be used to influence the legislative process?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 3

How do the legislative powers of the governor of Texas differ from other state governors?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 4

Jack Holloway has recently been appointed as governor of Texas. He wants to appoint all the staff. What would limit this opportunity for him?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

To affect government operations, the governor relies on ________ powers, which lay outside of the constitutional mandate of the office.
  Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.

 Q. 6

The ________employs the governor's staff members to act as lobbyists for the governor's views and advocate the governor's position to the legislature.
  Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

A. Informal powers of the governor help affect government operations
1. governor leader of political party helps lobbying power
a. governor introduces legislation that reflects values of the party
b. must lobby party members to vote on party lines
c. must also work with opposition party to be bipartisan
2. governor's perceived role as state's leader helps influence lobbying power
a. allows governor to achieve goals beyond constitutional or statutory reach
b. acting as an advocate for the state is a valuable role
3. ability to influence public opinion increases lobbying power
a. governor gets more media coverage and manipulation of coverage can result in pressure on legislature and members of the executive branch
b. new media outlets such as television and the Internet allows governor to reach more voters and constituents
4. governors can inject personality to keep presence in legislature and influence lobbying power
a. integration into the process makes the legislature more positive toward governor's efforts
5. Act as a Congressional liaison to ensure Texas was protected
6. Leadership style also has effect on ability to lobby
a. by getting more involved, create more impact

Ans. to #2

A. Governor's session calling powers influence the legislative process
1. has sole authority to call special sessions
a. allows governor to pressure legislature into action
2. sets agenda for sessions
a. legislature cannot bring issue in special session without approval from governor
1. lets governor have control over which legislation is considered
b. can use power to increase influence
1. if legislature has an issue it wants passed, it is more likely to consider governor's agenda
c. adding issues to agenda makes sure governor's agenda is dealt with first
d. can keep session going indefinitely providing incentive for legislative cooperation
1. no session can last over 30 days but governors can call unlimited session
2. threat of special session can encourage legislature to pass governor's agenda during regular session
3. legislators do not want to stay longer than necessary

Ans. to #3

A. Texas governors can call legislature to special session
1. most states allow legislature to call itself into session
2. in Texas, this power strengthens executive and weakens legislature
a. given by Grange to restrict legislators
b. governor can call agenda
c. issues must be approved by governor
d. allows governor to secure his agenda first
e. can call unlimited number of special sessions
B. state constitution maintains that the governor gives State of the State address at the beginning of the legislative session
C. review of state governor's power ranks Texas among the lowest
1. no power to determine the budget
a. Legislative Budget Board controls budget process in Texas
2. has limited appointive powers
3. low veto power
a. Texas gives governor 10 days to veto a bill
b. can use post-adjournment veto after session and cannot be overridden by senate
c. line-item veto power: governor can veto each item in an appropriations bill
1. gives governor negotiating power
d. Texas governor does not have reduction veto power

Ans. to #4

A. Governor has many opportunities for appointments
1. various boards and commissions in a single four-year term
2. usually appoints major campaign contributors
3. governor appoints his own staff
a. serve at governor's discretion
b. do not have to approved by senate
c. accountable to governor alone
B. Factors limit opportunities
1. overlapping terms mean that the prior governor's appointments continue to affect politics after term is over
a. no provisions for governor to remove prior appointments
2. most effective executive offices are elected by voters
a. no formal or constitutional power that would allow him or her to override the decisions of other elected executives
3. appointments receive scrutiny as to demographics represented
4. senatorial courtesy: informal practice that enables senators to defeat appointments from home district
5. appointments can be defeated unless approved by 2/3rds of the senate
a. few appointments are actually rejected
b. some already serving
c. would cause chaos and confusion for board or commission
6. governor cannot remove own appointees without 2/3rds senate approval
a. limits governor's control over state agencies
b. board members can ignore governor's agenda after appointment
c. policy makers wanted to make sure the governor cannot have absolute control

Ans. to #5

Answer: informal

Ans. to #6

Answer: Legislative Office
solaiman Author
6 years ago
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