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6 years ago
Discuss the ways that Social Security disadvantages women.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Which term descibes a collective attempt to promote or resist change?
  a. Protest movement
  b. Social movement
  c. Determinism
  d. Goal displacement

Question 3

Peter Berger's comment, Society penetrates us as much as it envelopes us, is an expression of the _____ view, the idea that human behavior or actions are entirely controlled by outside forces.
  a. deterministic
  b. agency
  c. fatalistic
  d. ideology

Question 4

Compare and contrast the situation in America in which unauthorized immigrants are forbidden from holding jobs with the practice of outsourcing or offshoring jobs to other countries.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Discuss the effects of increasing economic globalization.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Discuss the three major turning points in human history mentioned in the chapter that transformed society.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Feedback: There are a number of ways that the Social Security system's structure is biased against women: (1) it only recognizes paid work, and women are generally paid less than men; (2) it is based on time paid in, but women are frequently in the workforce fewer years than men, especially if they take time off to have and rear children; (3) divorced women who were married less than 10 years receive no portion of their ex-husband's benefit; (4) if wife and husband are both employed, the wife will receive Social Security benefits for her work only if her benefits exceed those earned by her husbandif she collects a benefit based on her own wages, she loses the 50 spouse's payment for which her husband's payroll taxes paid; (5) a widow without a child under 16 or a disabled child receives none of her husband's Social Security benefit until she is 60.

Answer to q. 2

Answer: b. Social movement

Answer to q. 3

Answer: a. deterministic

Answer to q. 4

Feedback: A borderline hysteria has emerged over the accusation that unauthorized immigrants are taking American jobs away from workers and lowering the overall wage structure, sometimes resulting in laws like Arizona's employer-sanctions law that penalizes employers who hire unauthorized (illegal) immigrants. At the same time, there is little public criticism of corporations that close business operations in the United States and outsource those jobs to foreign countries. For instance, in Arizona, the jobs associated with manufacturing semiconductors are down 31 because those jobs have been sent to other countries with lower wages. There is a clear contradiction here. Few politicians, businesses, and other U.S. citizens complain about moving capital and jobs away from the United States and into Third World countries, leaving U.S. workers to suffer the consequences. Meanwhile, these same interests voice ugly diatribes at workers who want to participate in that free market system by coming to the United States and competing for jobs. So one component of capitalismcapitalis free to roam a virtually borderless world in the hunt for low-wage workers to maximize profits, while a second component of capitalismworkers (the producers of profit)are restricted as to where they may go in search of work for their livelihood.

Answer to q. 5

Feedback: Global trade entered a new phase after the World War II, evolving a global trade network, the integration of peoples and nations, and a global economy, with a common ideology: capitalism. This shift has been accelerated by the removal of tariff barriers. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), both passed in 1994, are two examples of agreements that increased the flow of goods (and jobs) across national boundaries. The globalization of the economy is not a neutral process. Decisions are based on what will maximize profits, thus serving the owners of capital and not necessarily workers or the communities where U.S. operations are located. Most significant are the corporate decisions regarding the movement of money from one investment to another (called capital flight). Most of the manufacturing by U.S. transnational corporations is now done in low-wage economies. Both blue- and white-collar jobs formerly done in the United States are now done in countries with lower pay. The U.S. economy is transitioning from manufacturing jobs to service jobs.

Answer to q. 6

Feedback: Societies are transformed with each surge in invention and technological growth. (1) The Neolithic agricultural revolution began in about 8000 BC, marking the transition from nomadic pastoral life of hunting and gathering, to life in settlements based on agriculture. During this phase of human existence, new tools were created and used; animals were domesticated; language, numbers, and other symbols became more sophisticated; and mining and metalworking were developed. (2) The Industrial Revolution, began in Great Britain in the 1780s. With the application of steam power and later oil and electricity as energy sources for industry, mining, manufacturing, and transportation came fundamental changes to the economy, the nature of work, family organization, and a transition from rural to urban life. (3) The United States is now in the midst of a new transformation, one fueled by new technologies and applications. The amazing scientific breakthroughs have had and will continue to have immense implications for commerce, international trade, global politics, and, at the individual level, work opportunities, pay, and benefits.
kq Author
6 years ago
Smiling Face with Open Mouth that's the expression my face made when I got the notification email
6 years ago
glad I put that smile on your face Happy Dummy
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