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Dip12 Dip12
Posts: 4
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9 years ago
I have a question to all who knows the answer: Where can I find money (10000-20000$) for my research?
I work in the scientific institution located in Ukraine. Our authority don't give a money for the investigations and don't have department where I can apply the grant project and get a money. I have looked through the many international funds but I have not found any opportinity to take a grant. My work is closly connected with plant phytopathology and genetics. Maybe somone knows how I can get a money or go abroad to commit my work.
The answers with URL references are welcome.
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9 years ago
I'm sure there are entrepreneurs, businessmen and women in your country. You first have to sell your idea to them by writing a formal research proposal. IF they read it and see promise, they will give you the money (of course, not for free). Taking this route isn't best, but is still a resort. I'm sure your country has programs for people in your situation. I know in Canada, you can sign up for grants quite easily (http://www.idrc.ca/EN/Funding/HowToApply/Pages/ResearchGrantProposal.aspx | http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/programs-programmes/standard_grants_subventions_ordinaires-eng.aspx, for instance). The way it works in North America is, if you have an idea, let's say you're trying to invent a drug, you sell your idea to a pharmaceutical company (you have to make these contacts on your own). If they like the idea, they will give you the money. Of course, the study will be under their name, so any advancements you make will make them famous too, and rightfully so. Are you conducting this research with a colleague, at a university, etc? What's the story?
Dip12 Author
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, Dip12
I work in the non-comercial institution and I need a money for the reagents to fullfill my PhD thesis. This work is scientific and I should prepare several articles to finish my research. But there no any possibility to make it in full extent because of the absence of supply in my department. The authorities of our country thinks that a couple hundreds of dolars enough to make a
"high level investigation" and a great corruption only leads to the decline of the scientific sphere. I know that in U.S.A. for example a scientific group consists from 5 or 6 people one of whom is engaged in the search of a funding. But threre is no such practice in Urkaine when a group of a people works together to make a good work. My curator doesn't have a big desire to help me and I can't rely on anyone in my research. I want to find a funding abroad but I am not the principal investigator and I can't submit proposal with my own. Also the international funds don't give the money on the small projects like mine or maybe I have not been finding suitable funds.
9 years ago
Hey Dip12, it sounds like you're in a bind. How much money does your project need approximately?
9 years ago
For bio_man
I need 5000-7000$ for the reagents and 1500$ to publish one article in the journal like BMC Genomics
Dip12 Author
9 years ago
For bio_man
I need 5000-7000$ for the reagents and 1500$ to publish one article in the journal like BMC Genomics
9 years ago Edited: 9 years ago, bio_man
Apart from raising money manually, you could try this website:


What's your research on?
Dip12 Author
9 years ago
For bio-man
I thank you for you help. I am not eligible for the USA finding organizations because I am not a citizen of USA but I will necessarily use your references to European Research Council (ERC). My work is devoted to an investigantion of the stem rust resistance genes, and I need a money to clone one of them. I have maybe all needed equipment except a good centrifuge to make the competent cells for transformation and I need only reagents for the first two steps of my work to verify that this gene is presented in a wheat because the bioinformatic data is totally raw and is not confirmed.  
9 years ago
I suppose you could try a university in your area? Talk to a professor that works their part time, I think he would be happy to have his name associated with a finding lol
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