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prashantakerkar prashantakerkar
Valued Member
Posts: 1645
A year ago


During monsoon season (Heavy rainfall) causes the window glass pane filled with water which is on the right hand side of the Driver in a right hand drive vehicle and is on the left hand side of the Driver in a left hand drive vehicle.

Can fixing the Wiper blades on the driver's right/left window glass pane will solve the problem ?
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Read 303 times
5 Replies
Prashant S Akerkar

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A year ago
The car's wipers are designed to remove water and unwanted material fragments from the windshield of a vehicle. I'm not sure what your problem is exactly, but if it's associated with moisture, then it depends.
Valued Member
A year ago Edited: A year ago, prashantakerkar



I mean while driving in heavy rainfall as we use the Car Wiper in the front glass window pane for front view, i also observed on my right window pane (Since in India, it is right hand drive) lot of water gathering in the window glass pane as well as left hand window glass pane.

Can adding Wiper blades on both right and left window glass panes will resolve this issue?

Note : Sorry for repeating but it is Heavy rainfall while driving.
Prashant S Akerkar
A year ago
Can adding Wiper blades on both right and left window glass panes will resolve this issue?

In North America, every car is equipped with wipers on both sides. It's strange to learn that in India, only one side is covered. Can you show us a picture of how that looks?
Valued Member
A year ago

Attached images.

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar

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Prashant S Akerkar
A year ago
Can fixing the Wiper blades on the driver's right/left window glass pane will solve the problem ?

I understand now. That's not a good idea. They're placed @ the front because the window is set at an angle. The one's on the side are nearly vertical.
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