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Armenb Armenb
Posts: 570
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
The difference between diagnoses and assessments is that:
  A) diagnoses are used to understand a client's history, while assessments are labels applied to a client's individual situation.
  B) diagnoses provide a short-hand categorization of a client based on specifically defined criteria, while assessments describe the symptoms that support a particular diagnosis.
  C) diagnoses involve gathering information to be analyzed and synthesized, while assessments provide a language through which professionals can communicate their analyses to patients.
  D) diagnoses are the joint effort of professionals from different fields, while assessments are always conducted by a psychologist.

_____ are labels or terms that may be applied to an individual or his or her situation.
  A) Assessments
  B) Diagnoses
  C) Symptoms
  D) Analyses

In the context of priorities in assessments, which of the following is one of the factors that should be assessed initially by social workers in all social work situations?
  A) A client's strengths and resources
  B) A client's interaction with his or her environment
  C) A client's potential health or safety concerns
  D) A client's developmental needs and life transitions

Which of the following statements is true of the assessment process?
  A) It is completed during the first meeting between the client and the social worker.
  B) It will vary according to a social worker's task or mission.
  C) It is initiated by the social worker just before the termination of the relationship with a client.
  D) It provides a short-hand categorization of a client based on specifically defined criteria.

A father criticizes his son for being a weakling. In fear of his father's condemnation, the child becomes even more timid, which leads to more criticism from the father. The son's behavior is an example of:
  A) extrovert traits.
  B) reciprocal interactions.
  C) passive-aggressive traits.
  D) symbolic interactions.

Which of the following statements is true of formal assessments?
  A) They are complex working hypotheses based on the most current data available.
  B) They are always completed during the first session between the client and the social worker.
  C) They only provide a comprehensive overview of the client for termination of counselling sessions between the client and the social worker.
  D) They do not vary according to the social worker's task or mission.

Describe how stacking questions is a common verbal barrier to communication faced by beginning social workers.
  What will be an ideal response?

Inappropriate use of humor or sarcasm is described as a potential barrier to communication. Illustrate this with an example. Also, describe how humor is an aid to communication if done appropriately.
  What will be an ideal response?

Discuss how judging, trying to convince, threatening, and making glib assessments are likely to occur with captive clients who cannot readily or safely decline services.
  What will be an ideal response?

Describe how cultural nuances of nonverbal cues turn out to be a barrier to effective communication for social workers.
  What will be an ideal response?
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