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Kara31191 Kara31191
Posts: 20
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11 years ago
My question:
One-thousand individuals were screened for their genotype at the MN blood group locus. The numbers of each genotype were:
MM   MN   NN
298   489   213Assuming random mating, calculate the gene frequency for the M allele and the expected genotype frequencies. Use the chi-squared test to determine that mating is random.

My reference:

So I'm starting out with the chi-square goodness of fit test found in the above link.

This is what I have so far:

1000 were screened.
The percent of 298 is 298 / 1000 = 29.8% are MM.
Similarly, 489 / 1000 = 48.9 % are MN (Hybrids), and 213 / 1000 = 21.3% are NN.
   M     N   Totals
M   29.8      
N      21.3   
Totals         100
Read 1663 times
9 Replies

Finishing undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of New Hampshire. Taking Genetics and Immunology online through the UC Berkeley Extension Program.

DVM to be... In the application process of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Wish me luck!

Thank you!

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11 years ago
good job your getting there
Kara31191 Author
11 years ago Edited: 11 years ago, Kara31191
Well I can't figure out... What do I fill in in that chart???

   M      N          Totals
M   29.8      
N         21.3   
Totals         100

The other number is 48.9... But I can't get it to work!
Post Merge: 11 years ago

         M             N           Totals
M        29.8           48.9       78.7
N        0???        21.3            21.3
Totals    29.8           70.2            100

I don't think this is actually right.... Do I really put 0 in there? What is wrong with this...

Post Merge: 11 years ago

Or maybe put half in under each MN???

   M                    N           Totals
M   29.8                 24.45            54.25
N   24.45           21.3           45.75
Totals   54.25   45.75   100

....Neutral Face?

Finishing undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of New Hampshire. Taking Genetics and Immunology online through the UC Berkeley Extension Program.

DVM to be... In the application process of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Wish me luck!

Thank you!
11 years ago
First assume that the population is at hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The formula for that is p^2+2pq+q^2 where p is the frequency of the dominant allele, and q the frequency of the recessive allele.

Find the number of M alleles: #MM +#MN/2
Find the number of N alleles: #NN + #MN/2

Divide each by the total number of observations (2000 since the gene trait has two alleles) to find the frequencies of each genotype.

Plug those values into the formula in the first paragraph to find  the expected frequencies. Should look like 1000*M^2+2000*MN+1000N^2.

Then perform chi square with 1 degree of freedom.

I'm sorry for the slap-dash explanation, but I'm in a bit of a rush. Hopefully this helps you get on the right track. I hated these kinds of problems.
Kara31191 Author
11 years ago
Thank you!!! That is super helpful!!!!    Smiling Face with Open Mouth

Finishing undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of New Hampshire. Taking Genetics and Immunology online through the UC Berkeley Extension Program.

DVM to be... In the application process of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Wish me luck!

Thank you!
Kara31191 Author
11 years ago
First assume that the population is at hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The formula for that is p^2+2pq+q^2 where p is the frequency of the dominant allele, and q the frequency of the recessive allele.

Find the number of M alleles: #MM +#MN/2
Find the number of N alleles: #NN + #MN/2

Divide each by the total number of observations (2000 since the gene trait has two alleles) to find the frequencies of each genotype.

Plug those values into the formula in the first paragraph to find  the expected frequencies. Should look like 1000*M^2+2000*MN+1000N^2.

Then perform chi square with 1 degree of freedom.

I'm sorry for the slap-dash explanation, but I'm in a bit of a rush. Hopefully this helps you get on the right track. I hated these kinds of problems.

I'm sorry- I still cannot figure this out.

I tried:
#MM (298) + #MN (489/2) = 542.5 # of M alleles

#NN (213) + #MN (489/2) = 457.5 # of N alleles

I really don't understand what to do with these numbers.

I also tried:
(1000 * 0.149^2) + (2000 * .2445^2) + (1000 * 0.1065^2) = 522.54325


 (Didn't work at all!!!!)

(1000 * 542.5^2) + (2000 * 244.5) + (457.5^2 * 1000)

Can someone help me work through this?

I am so frustrated! :/

Finishing undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of New Hampshire. Taking Genetics and Immunology online through the UC Berkeley Extension Program.

DVM to be... In the application process of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Wish me luck!

Thank you!
11 years ago
MM(p^2)= 298/1000= 0.298
MN(2pq)= 489/1000= 0.489
NN(q^2)= 213/1000= 0.213

Frequency of M=P=p^2+(2pq)= 0.298+(1/2)(0.489)= 0.543
Frequency of N=Q=1-P= 1-0.543= 0.457

Expected genotype frequencies
MM(p^2)= (0.543)^2= 0.295
MN(2pq)= 2(0.543)(0.457)= 0.496
NN=(q^2)= (0.457)^2= 0.210

Expected number of each genotype
MM= 0.295*1000= 295
MN= 0.496*1000= 496
NN= 0.210*1000= 210

Chi-Square= SUM(O-E)^2/E
               (298-295)^2/295+ (489-495)^2/495+ (213-210)^2/210
                  = 0.031+0.0727+0.042= 0.1457
   Using a chi-square distribution table at alpha= 0.05, with df=1, chi(table)= 3.84

   Since chi(calculated)<chi(table), do not reject null hypothesis (that is, that random mating is occurring)

Kara31191 Author
11 years ago
Thank you!

Finishing undergraduate studies in Biology at the University of New Hampshire. Taking Genetics and Immunology online through the UC Berkeley Extension Program.

DVM to be... In the application process of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. Wish me luck!

Thank you!
11 years ago
Why are we using df=1? Wouldn't it be 2? since df=n-1? and we have 3 classes, MM, MN, NN?
Valued Member
10 years ago
We have only one degree of freedom because we have three genotypic categories and we used two numbers from the data (N and p) to calculate the expected values (3 - 2 leaves 1 degree of freedom). We did not need to use q since q = 1 - p.
Pretty fly for a SciGuy
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