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rk90 rk90
Posts: 166
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10 years ago
I applied to vet school this year, but Im thinking about med school, because all money goes to human medicine and I don't want to work hard to be poor as a veterinarian.
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
If you don't want to be a poor vetrinarian then be a regular doctor.  But if you have a passion for animals it might be worth the paycut.
10 years ago
vets actually make more money than reg doctors do in certain areas. alot of ppl treat their pets as a member of the family. i am sure that you arent goin to be a poor vet at all. and you dont have to just work in a vet clinic there are numerous jobs out there, like in zoos and stuff like that so dont sell that profession short at all!
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10 years ago
This is a great question Slight Smile I've asked myself this before.
If you are reading this, you are awesome, and I wish you a happy and prosperous day!
10 years ago
When agriculture field recovers from decades of depression, vets will be cashing in a lot of perks. No one wants to be a farmer anymore, and population continues to grow like mushrooms. Most farmers are now over 50, with no promising replacements. When agriculture and cattle industry booms, vets boom. Hard to say when that will happen, but it will. Wall Street was in the similar situation. It used to be for people with no promising career leads back in the 60s.
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