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tutubella tutubella
Posts: 544
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6 years ago
For the following questions, use an ICD-9-CM code book and select the appropriate code(s) for the diagnostic statement given.
  Sunburn, second degree

(Q. 2) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  The Spintelli operation is coded to __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 3) Tommy Jones has a skin rash due to a reaction to medication taken that was prescribed by a physician. Describe how this would be coded. Do not list the specific codes.

(Q. 4) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  Hysterotomy to terminate a pregnancy is coded to procedure code __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 5) List the layers of the skin from the outermost to the innermost.

(Q. 6) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  Repair of current obstetric laceration of the cervix is coded to procedure code __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 7) Decubitus ulcers are staged from one to _________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 8) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  The surgical use of a tampon to compress the uterus or vagina is called __________.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 9) The color of the skin is determined by the amount of _________ pigment contained in the skin cells.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

(Q. 10) Question(s) 5-25 will require the use of an ICD-9-CM code book to complete the sentence.
  The scope procedure to view the fetus in the amniotic sac is called a(n) __________..
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
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