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AnitaSmith AnitaSmith
Posts: 606
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6 years ago
In the outpatient or physician office setting, the definition of principal diagnosis does not apply. What term is used to identify the code to be listed first?
 A) current diagnosis
  B) first-listed diagnosis
  C) first-sequenced diagnosis
  D) main diagnosis

(Q. 2) Use an ICD-9-CM code book to answer the following questions.
  Suzie Smith has ingested lead paint. What is the correct E code?
 A) E861.0
  B) E861.5
  C) E861.6
  D) E863.9

(Q. 3) Which of the following statements is true?
 A) History codes (V10-V19 ) are used as secondary codes if the history has an impact on current care.
  B) History codes (V10-V19 ) are used as the principal diagnosis if the history has an impact on current care.
  C) Resolved conditions from a previous admission listed on the face sheet are sequenced as the principal diagnosis.
  D) Status-post procedures from previous conditions that have no bearing on the current stay are listed as a secondary diagnosis by use of a V code.

(Q. 4) E860-E869 classifies accidental poisoning by other solid and liquid substances, gases, and vapors. Which one of the following cases would not be classified to this range of codes?
 A) ingestion of rubbing alcohol
  B) accidental poisoning by aspirin
  C) poisoning by berries
  D) accidental poisoning by insecticides

(Q. 5) For an inpatient, if the diagnosis documented at the time of discharge is qualified as probable or possible, what should the coder do?
 A) Code the signs and symptoms.
  B) Code the condition as though it existed or was established.
  C) Query the physician and state that a definitive condition must be documented.
  D) List a V code for the principal diagnosis.

(Q. 6) When a person has an accident while boarding or leaving a vehicle, the correct E code to use would be from which of the following categories?
 A) E810-E819, Motor Vehicle Traffic Accident
  B) E820-E825, Motor Vehicle Non-Traffic Accident
  C) E826-E829, Other Road Vehicle Accidents
  D) E846-E848, Vehicle Accidents Not Elsewhere Classified

(Q. 7) Billy Best had a colon resection in March. Four months later, he was readmitted for a repair of an incisional hernia and increased abdominal discomfort. What is the principal diagnosis?
 A) abdominal discomfort
  B) complication due to colon resection
  C) incisional hernia
  D) either the abdominal discomfort or the incisional hernia

(Q. 8) When a patient has an adverse drug effect due to the wrong medication taken, the coder would reference the Table of Drugs and Chemicals and select a code from which of the following columns?
 A) Accident
  B) Poisoning
  C) Therapeutic use
  D) Unspecified

(Q. 9) Tommy Sick was admitted to Sunny Valley Hospital for an inguinal hernia repair because of increased pain due to the hernia. One hour before the surgery he was notified that his father had died, so the surgery was not completed. Which of the following is true regarding the principal diagnosis for this admission?
 A) not recorded because the patient was discharged prior to completion of treatment
  B) pain
  C) inguinal hernia
  D) failed attempted surgery

(Q. 10) When a patient has an adverse drug effect, it usually is NOT described in the medical record as which of the following?
 A) allergy to
  B) adverse reaction
  C) counteraction
  D) hypersensitivity
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