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jewo jewo
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7 years ago
what  are the elements of global health policies?
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7 months ago
Global health policies are designed to improve and protect the health, safety, and security of people worldwide. The following are some of the key components of global health policies:

Goals: The goals of global health policies are to improve health outcomes, reduce morbidity and mortality, and promote equity in access to healthcare services.

Targets: Global health policies set targets for improving health outcomes, such as reducing the incidence of infectious diseases, improving maternal and child health, and increasing access to essential medicines.

Instruments: Global health policies use a range of instruments to achieve their goals and targets, including funding for research and development, capacity building for healthcare workers, and the development of new technologies.

Implementation structures: Global health policies require effective implementation structures to ensure that they are implemented successfully. These structures include national health systems, international organizations, and partnerships between governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector.

Implementation rules: Global health policies require clear implementation rules to ensure that they are implemented effectively. These rules include guidelines for healthcare workers, regulations for the use of medical products, and standards for data collection and reporting.

Rationales and assumptions: Global health policies are based on a set of rationales and assumptions about the causes of poor health outcomes and the most effective ways to address them. These rationales and assumptions are often based on scientific evidence but may also be influenced by political considerations.

I hope this helps!
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