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6 years ago
Which of the following is true about contemporary primary elections in Texas?
  a. Voter turnout is generally higher than in general elections.
  b. Split-ticket voting is more common than in general elections.
  c. Voter turnout is typically higher in runoff elections than in the first round of primaries.
  d. Voters tend to be more ideological than the general public.

 Q. 2

For ideological reasons, primaries can result in an unbalanced ticket that has limited appeal in a general election and essentially produces a weak candidate. How is this possible?
  a. Negative primary campaigns leave the victor bruised and at an extreme disadvantage in the general election.
  b. Expensive primary battles can leave the victor underfunded for the general election.
  c. The victor tends to be more extreme in his or her views and less palatable to the general public.
  d. Primaries tend to fracture the organization of a party and reduce its ability to contest the general election.

 Q. 3

Some students of Texas politics argue that the nature of the state's primary delayed the development of the two-party system by __________.
  a. encouraging factionalism within the Republican Party
  b. allowing any party not winning the preceding gubernatorial election to nominate candidates in party conventions
  c. providing incentives for Democrats to vote in Republican primaries in an attempt to nominate extremist candidates and ensure victory for Democrats in general elections
  d. encouraging Republicans to vote for conservative candidates in Democratic primaries, leading to general elections featuring two conservative candidates

 Q. 4

Why have minority groups such as Hispanics and African Americans criticized the current primary system in Texas?
  a. They argue that the county apparatus that manages the primary favors Caucasians.
  b. They believe that primary results can be easily distorted as they are not regulated by the government.
  c. They argue that the absolute majority requirement discriminates against their candidates.
  d. They believe that votes for their candidates are often contested and dismissed by party officials.

 Q. 5

Primary elections in Texas __________.
  a. are required for nominating candidates of any party receiving at least 40 percent of the vote in the preceding presidential election
  b. require candidates to receive a majority of votes to win
  c. began being used during Reconstruction as a method to encourage factionalism in the Democratic Party
  d. are held on July 4 of odd-numbered years

 Q. 6

Unwritten rules about elections in Texas's political culture include an expectation that __________.
  a. candidates will not air any negative ads against their opponents
  b. candidates will try to mobilize their own voters but not try to influence undecided voters
  c. candidates will shake hands after elections are done
  d. candidates will not contribute any money to their own campaigns

 Q. 7

What is the effect of dividing election cycles so that state and local elections are separate?
  a. The cost of holding elections is drastically reduced, as is the cost of campaigns.
  b. Issues that are unique to state and local races are converged.
  c. Candidates are typically forced to campaign for shorter periods.
  d. Voter fatigue increases due to disinterest in participating in so many elections.
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

Answer: d

Ans. to #2

Answer: c

Ans. to #3

Answer: d

Ans. to #4

Answer: c

Ans. to #5

Answer: b

Ans. to #6

Answer: c

Ans. to #7

Answer: d
vr Author
6 years ago
All correct!
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