Caspi and Shiner propose all of the following as specific ways in which temperament and personality can affect children's experiences and thus shape their development except
a. some learning experiences will be more rewarding than others.
b. some experiences will be interpreted differently.
c. self-evaluations are the one thing that does not vary.
d. the ways in which children attempt to shape their environments and people in them vary.
Question 2Longitudinal studies based on the Five Factor Model and using test-retest correlations have found all of the following except
a. stability estimates are moderate in magnitude, even from childhood to adulthood.
b. stability increases with age.
c. stability decreases as the time interval between observations increases.
d. Stability markedly varies across the Big Five traits.
Question 3The traditional, or essentialist, position regarding the stability of personality holds that
a. experiences and life transitions are most important in shaping personality.
b. it is parallel to the stability of cognitive abilities.
c. personality is highly relatively heritable and unstable in comparison to other psychological characteristics.
d. stability should be high throughout life because temperament/personality is first and foremost an essential and biologically based aspect of the individual.
Question 4Although adolescents are involved in proportionally more vehicle deaths per miles driven than are older adults, the death rate increases when
a. a cell phone is involved.
b. there is more traffic.
c. more passengers are in the car.
d. the car stereo is turned up to very high volumes.
Question 5Which aspects of temperament and personality emerge earliest in life?
a. irritability c. dominance
b. effortful control d. sociability
Question 6Which of the following has the greatest influence on adolescent risk-taking behavior?
a. parenting styles c. genetics
b. peers d. personality