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kotec13 kotec13
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12 years ago
Anatomy Study Guide attached! Any answers will be helpful
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Valued Member
12 years ago
I am working on study guides myself. The best way for me to retain and learn is to look them up and write them down. It doesn't take long once you get on a roll.
Volunteers are seldom paid; not because they are worthless, but because they are PRICELESS!
12 years ago
I cannot open the file but if you copy and past I would be glad to help
kotec13 Author
12 years ago
Where were you looking them up? online or binder/book?
12 years ago
I cannot open the file but if you copy and past I would be glad to help

Should be accessible now...
kotec13 Author
12 years ago
Anatomy and Physiology I
Final Exam Study Guide

Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

1.   Recognize and describe anatomical position.
2.   Be able to use descriptive terms to describe planes, directions, cavities, and points of reference associated with specific regions of the body.
3.   Identify and locate major body cavities and membranes.
4.   Explain mechanisms of negative feedback and positive feedback and provide physiological examples of each.
5.   Explain the mechanisms that regulate body temperature within a normal range.


6.   What is a radioactive isotope and how can it be used in medicine?
7.   Explain why water is so important to life.
8.   Why can dehydration be dangerous to health?
9.   Understand the concept of pH and relate it to homeostasis.
10.   Explain the action of a buffer.
11.   What are the components of the bicarbonate buffer system?
12.   Understand the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in biological organisms. What is the building block of each?
13.   Discuss the elements of a healthy diet; be able to interpret a nutrition panel on foods.
14.   Explain the hypothesis that high levels of sugar in our diet has led to an epidemic of diabetes type II.
15.   Give examples and contrast insoluble and soluble fiber and how they may decrease the risk of colon cancer and heart disease.
16.   What is the difference between a saturated fatty acid and an unsaturated fatty acid?
17.   List some external signs of anabolic steroid abuse. (Contrast a sign with a symptom.)
18.   Explain the importance of enzymes to living organisms.
19.   Why is it important that the body maintain temperature and pH within normal homeostatic ranges?
20.   Distinguish between and give examples of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins.
21.   Know the role of ATP to power cellular work.
22.   Trace the possible fates of nutrients in a cell.
23.   Explain how calcium is vital to normal function of the human body (name systems where calcium is vital).

Cells and Tissues

24.   Give examples of the relationship between structure and function in cells and in tissues.
25.   Understand the role of cellular structures including the plasma membrane, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, ribosomes, and nucleus.
26.   Explain the role of lysosomes in a white blood cell.
27.   Follow the synthesis of a protein intended for secretion from the cell (include organelles involved and explain what occurs in each).
28.   Draw the structure of the plasma membrane.
29.   List and explain the various roles of membrane proteins.
30.   Describe the various passive and active processes that are used to move materials across a membrane.
31.   Describe the behavior of red blood cells in an isotonic solution, in a hypertonic solution, and in a hypotonic solution.
32.   Relate development of cancer to the cell cycle; understand how cancer kills.
33.   Why are radiation and chemotherapy effective tools against cancer?
34.   Recognize the four basic tissue types (and their subtypes) in the human body and describe the general functions of each.
35.   Differentiate and locate various types of membranes in the body (serous, mucous, etc.).

Integumentary System

36.   List and describe the functions of the skin.
37.   Describe the structure, elements, and functions of the layers of the epidermis (include proteins like melanin and keratin).
38.   List the structures found in the dermis and the hypodermis.
39.   Describe how the integumentary system helps to regulate body temperature (2 ways).
40.   Explain why it is important to protect the skin from UV light, but still allow some UV light to penetrate the skin. Use the following terms: melanin, sunburn, DNA, skin cancer, vitamin D.
41.   Discuss the factors that determine skin color.
42.   State two functions of sebum.
43.   Explain how the skin responds to injuries and repairs itself.
44.   Explain how third degree burns disrupt homeostasis and how they are treated.
45.   Discuss the origin and prognosis for the three types of skin cancer.

Skeletal System

46.   List and describe the functions of the skeletal system.
47.   List the organic and inorganic components of bone.
48.   Recognize and use basic anatomical and histological terminology; a drawing will help.
49.   Discuss the processes by which bones develop.
50.   Discuss the processes by which bones grow.
51.   Describe the different types of fractures and explain how fractures heal.
52.   Discuss the effects of nutrition, hormones, and exercise on bone growth and development. 
53.   Differentiate among the three types of arthritis.
54.   List and locate the major elements of the axial skeleton and of the appendicular skeleton.

Muscular System

55.   Describe the characteristics and functions of the muscular system.
56.   Recognize and use basic anatomical and histological terminology.
57.   Explain the process of muscular contraction, including sliding filament theory.
58.   Relate the structure of a sarcomere to the action of the sliding filament theory (Draw a sarcomere.).
59.   Relate motor units and twitches to the development of muscle tension and tetanic contractions.
60.   Explain the source of muscle tone.
61.   Draw and label the neuromuscular junction and describe the events that occur there.
62.   What is the cause of rigor mortis?
63.   Predict the actions of a muscle knowing its origin and insertion.
64.   Explain how muscles interact in antagonism and synergism.
65.   Differentiate between isotonic and isometric contractions.
66.   Explain the roles of creatine phosphate and glycogen in muscle action.
67.   Differentiate between fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers.

Nervous System
68.   Describe the anatomical organization and general functions of the nervous system. Review anatomical terminology.
69.   Describe the structure and function of a neuron.
70.   Identify types of neuroglial cells and explain their functions.
71.   Explain the relationship between a nerve and a neuron.
72.   Where are the stimulus-gated and voltage-gated channels on a neuron?
73.   Discuss the events that generate resting potentials, local potentials, and action potentials across the membranes of nerve cells (remember – membrane permeability).
74.   Explain the mechanism of synaptic transmission.
75.   Explain how local potentials can be integrated within the cell body and result in an action potential at the axon hillock.
76.   Distinguish between an EPSP and an IPSP and explain the result of each.
77.   Describe various actions of drugs on the synapse and their result.
78.   Explain the physiological basis of addiction and of withdrawal.
79.   What is saltatory conduction?
80.   What is the role of calcium in nervous transmission?
81.   Discuss the structure and functions of the spinal cord.
82.   List the major spinal tracts and explain how they are named.
83.   Understand the relationship between the spinal nerves and the spinal cord.
84.   Explain efferent and afferent pathways and the reflex arc.
85.   Name the major regions of the brain and describe their functions.
86.   Distinguish between motor, sensory, and association areas of the cerebral cortex.
87.   Describe how the brain and spinal cord are protected by membranes and by cerebrospinal fluid.
88.   Identify the cranial nerves and describe their functions.
89.   Explain four ways in which stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system causes widespread effects within the body.
90.   Explain the concept of autonomic tone.
91.   Compare the structure and function of the autonomic with the somatic nervous system.
92.   Contrast the structure and function of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.

12 years ago
Describe at least five different functions of the skin.
12 years ago
Did you figure these out? Please update.
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