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mikael mikael
Posts: 12017
13 years ago

The foot on the left (B), is that of an adult Bagabo man that has NEVER worn shoes (this is what our feet should actually look like. Notice the separation and straightness of the toes). The foot on the right (A), is that of a Bagobo boy that had only worn shoes for a few months… Such a drastic change in a short period of time. They say a picture is worth a thousand words (clichés are clichés because they are true).

If your toes are unable to spread apart (as in every toe enclosed shoe), it is impossible for them to be in the correct anatomical position. Therefore the muscles in the foot stay asleep and CANNOT activate. There are 26 bones in the foot (one quarter of the bones in the human body are in the feet), 33 joints and over 100 muscles (kind of sounds like the feet are a wee bit important). And we just destroy them with our foot wear.
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12 years ago
If you start going barefoot you can get your feet at least largely back into their "natural" state.  I know your arch will start to rise and your gait will change to allow shorter strides and emphasis on walking on the balls of your feet instead of the heel. 

You may find the following article/video interesting if you are curious about barefoot running, or read about the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico's Copper Canyon.

12 years ago

Interesting... Thanks for sharing this.
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