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rixa85 rixa85
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11 years ago
I have a 4 GIG SD memory card in the phone, but after I receive about 10 SMS messages, the phone is full. Just wondering if there is a way of allocating space on the memory card for SMS messages. Thanks.
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2 Replies
11 years ago
The micro SD memory card doesn't have any relationship to your SMS messages. They go on the on-board memory of the BB device. If you have a lot of applications running on your phone they will eat up your available memory and might give you a problem with your text messages...but it isn't likely that you have that many applications.

How much memory do you have active on your phone? If it is less than 9MB then you should reboot your phone by pulling out the battery for 30 seconds and allowing it to reload. Then check your memory. Hopefully you will have over 15MB.

To check memory press the BlackBerry key (the one with the 7 dots)from the Home screen, then the "Settings" key then the "Options" key then press "Memory". Good luck!

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