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smox89 smox89
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11 years ago
My doc prescribed me prednisone, which should only help bring down the swelling and bacterial infection, but what are some medicines that would actually cure a right ear infection?
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11 years ago
Usually removal of the adenoids. They usually take out the tonsils at the same time.  Adenoids are lymphatic tissue around the eustachian tube- this can get infected, swell and block drainage from the middle ear, which then gets infected.  Or it can simply overgrow and block the tube.  Removing that tissue gets rid of the obstruction, allows drainage.  He will probably talk to you about it when you have recovered.
11 years ago
prednisone only decreases the swelling/inflammatory response - it is not an antibiotic, does will treat the bacteria
You may need to have pressure equalizing tubes placed in your ear to allow for drainage.
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