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lenaelle lenaelle
11 years ago
I'm helping my 2nd grader with an essay on comparing and contrasting earthquakes and tsunamis. She needs 5 reasons they are alike and 5 reasons they are different..everything I find online is way too complex for her. Any sites, books suitable for a 2nd grader on this? Sites would be best. Even the kids library books were too detailed and I need more simple general info on comparing/ contrasting these.  Thanks
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11 years ago
Sounds like the teacher is asking a rather absurd question--- earthquakes cause tsunamis, so comparing/contrasting makes no sense. I make spit but don't compare me to spit!  Really really strange for a 2nd grader to have to answer.
11 years ago
Tsu. are waves on water, quakes make waves on land
Both cause lots of damage
Damage is in a limited area
Instruments can measure the size of both
Both happen without warning

Quakes cause Tsu. but not the reverse
Quakes can happen on land or ocean, but Tsu. occur only on water.
Tsu. can cause damage far away
Tsu. are only longitudinal (surface) waves, quakes have shear and compression waves as well.
Quakes have aftershocks hours or days later, Tsu. only happen once after a quake.

Tough question for 2nd grader -- be interesting in what they come up with.
11 years ago
Both are carried with waves (the earthquake is with seismic waves and the tsunami will tidal waves).
Both generated by seismic activity.
Neither can be predicted (well) beforehand.
Both have epicenters
Both are incredibly destructive natural phenomenon
Earthquakes travel through land while tsunamis travel through water

Sorry that's all I got before it gets a bit complicated, hope I helped.
11 years ago
I taught Earth Science for 27 years, and I'd agree completely with Wildturkey's answer.  This is a very strange question for a 2nd grade class, a bit like asking the kids to compare/contrast asteroids with mass extinctions.
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