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buggingout16 buggingout16
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11 years ago
I need to enter a bunch of values for X and Y and have the calculator fit these values to an exponential function, but I only seem to be able to figure out how to enter a function and have it calculate Y values for me.

I returned my $50 casio graphing calculator hoping this $100 TI-83 would be better, but it's considerably worse.  I have no idea how this calculator is still so popular.
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11 years ago
The TI83 comes with a manual, and it explains these functions pretty well in my opinion, you just need to know the name of what you're doing, which in this case is a quadratic regression.

What you need to do is press stat, then go to edit. Type in the x values in the first column and the y values in the second. then press Quit, it's a secondary function (2nd).

Now go to stat then arrow over to Calc, and find exponential regression. The press enter and the calculator will spit out the formula for you essentially.

If you want a graphical representation of all this, go to StatPlot (it is a 2nd function for Window i think) and turn on plot 1 as an xy scatter. Then press window, set the Xmax and Xmin, Ymax, Ymin etc. to the appropriate values for your data, then press graph to see the data.

To show the best fit line, press the y= button, and type in the formula you got from the regression.

Press graph again, and the line should pass through the data pretty well.
11 years ago
You'll have to enter the all the x-values in L1 and all the corresponding y-values in L2. You can do this by accessing the List Editor, via [Stat] > 1:Edit... and filling in your coordinates.

After you've entered all your data points, select [Stat] > Calc > 0:ExpReg. After it appears on the home screen, pressing [Enter] again will output a line of best fit based on your points in L1 and L2. The values of a and b provided will be the values you should put for your exponential regression equation.

If you need to graph the points and the line, go to [Y=]. Make sure Plot1 is highlighted. Then, on the line Y1=, select [Vars] > 5:Statistics > EQ > 1:RegEQ, and that will paste your regression equation into Y1. Press [Graph] to see the whole thing (or maybe go to [Zoom] > 9:ZoomStat to view all stat points if they don't fit within the viewing window).

As for the TI-83(+)'s popularity?that's similar to operating systems. Just because Microsoft Windows is the most popular, that doesn't prevent people from buying a computer with it instead of choosing an even better alternative (like the free, open-source Linux). That's the way people act; they want to fit in with the crowd. So when schools started using calculators by Texas Instruments and soon many students had them, everyone had to have one too to not be outcasted (philosophically speaking, of course).
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