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dug dug
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6 years ago
Describe, in detail, the four stages of Duck's (1982) model of relationship dissolution (breaking up). Provide a running example in your description.
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6 years ago
Answer: When a romantic partner is feeling dissatisfied with the relationship, he or she first experiences the intrapersonal phase, in which he or she thinks about the problems in the relationship. For example, if Ron was unhappy in his relationship with Kellie, he may think about why he is unhappy. Second is the dyadic phase in which one partner discusses the breakup with the other. Ron may tell Kellie that he is unhappy with some of her habits and explain that he wants to break up with her. If they break up, and do not resolve the problems, they move to the third stage: the social phase. In the social phase, the partners decide how to deal with encountering each other, and they tell their friends and family of the breakup. Ron may run into Kellie at the grocery store and choose to politely say hello, or duck down another aisle and avoid her. Ron and Kellie would tell their friends and family about the breakup. Lastly, is another intrapersonal phase in which partners recover from the breakup. In this stage, Ron may do any number of things to cope. He may bad-mouth Kellie, or reminisce, or try to meet someone new and better.
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