1. What variation exists in the peppered moth population?
A) Spotted or not spotted
B) Light and dark colour
C) migration patterns
D) mating habits
2. Which of the following variation can be considered an adaptation?
a) spotted or not spotted
b) eating habits
c) migration
d) light and dark colour
3. What is the reason for this adaptation?
a) Having the ability to migrate expands the moths eating selection therefore allows the moth to survive polluted forests.
b) In a soot-coloured forest, the ligher variation would be considered an adaptation since the moth is better camouflaged and has a survival advantage.
c) In a soot-coloured forest, the dark variation would be considered an adaptation since the moth is better camouflaged and has a survival advantage.
d) Having the spotted variation allows then male to mate more readily because it is found more attractive by the female.
4. Over 200 years ago, all of the peppered moths in a certain population were light-coloured. How could the first dark-coloured moth have occurred in the population? Consider how new variations are created in populations.
a) This new variation was created by a change in the moths' surroundings, in that the trees that they clung to became darker. These dark-coloured moths were better camouflaged lived and reproduced, becoming more successful and prevalent than the light-coloured moths. A change in the environment must occur that makes the variation more successful to overpower the normal members of the species
b) This occured threw human tampering of the moths genetic code.
c) Mutation in the DNA
d) The Industrial Revolution started to change the peppered moths' environment. The soot released from industries covered trees and darkened the forest environment which made the moths adapt to being darker to blend in with their new environment.
6. Advantage or disadvantage?
a) sickle cell mutation, if only one allele
b) mutations of the wingless fly
c) light colour of the pepered moth after the Industrial Revolution
d) long tail on a peacock
7. True or false?
A) Sexual reproduction creates less variation in a population then asexual reproduction.
B) The more variation in a population, the better equipped a population is at adapting to environmental change and the more likely it is to survive.
8. What selective pressure is causing the change in the insect resistance?
a) Bulding up an immunity over time
b) Evolution
c) genetic mutation
d) Pesticide
10. Explain how some insects develop resistance to pesticides in terms of natural selection.