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raj13595 raj13595
Posts: 331
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6 years ago
The main mechanism of action of alkylating agents is
  1. they stimulate the body's immune system.
  2. unknown.
  3. they change the shape of the DNA double helix and prevent nucleic acid from completing normal cell division.
  4. they disrupt metabolic pathways.
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6 years ago
Rationale 1: This is representative of pharmacotherapy with biologic response modifiers, immune therapies, and miscellaneous antineoplastics.
Rationale 2: The mechanism of hormonal antineoplastic activity is largely unknown.
Rationale 3: Alkylation changes the shape of the DNA double helix and prevents the nucleic acid from completing normal cell division.
Rationale 4: This is representative of the antimetabolites.
Global Rationale: Alkylation changes the shape of the DNA double helix and prevents the nucleic acid from completing normal cell division. Stimulating the immune system is representative of pharmacotherapy with biologic response modifiers, immune therapies, and miscellaneous antineoplastics. The mechanism of hormonal antineoplastic activity is largely unknown. Disrupting metabolic pathways is representative of the antimetabolites.
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