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jessicaa_g jessicaa_g
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9 years ago
Can you recognize the eight stages of meiosis based on the location and behavior?
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9 years ago
Prophase I: chromosomes start to condense and become visible
Metaphase I: homologous chromosomes line up at equatorial plate
Anaphase I: homologous chromosomes separate and move to diferent poles
Telophase I: one set of chromosomes arrive at each pole
Prophase II: chromosomes condense again
Metaphase II: individual chromosome line up at equatorial plate
Anaphase II: centromere divides, and chromosomes (from chromatids) move to different poles
Telophase II: one set of chromosome arrive at each pole

In meiosis I each chromosome consists of two chromatids, and in anaphase II and telophase II only of one chromatid.

Best answer found here: [Solved] The stages of meiosis
jessicaa_g Author
9 years ago
9 years ago
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