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boobear86 boobear86
Posts: 640
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6 years ago
According to Gregory's misapplied size constancy scaling hypothesis, we perceive the arrows pointing out version of the Muller-Lyer illusion as _____.
  A) longer, because it is perceived as being further away
  B) longer, because it is perceived as being closer
  C) shorter, because it is perceived as further away
  D) shorter, because it is perceived as being closer

Cronbach's coefficient alpha is a measure of which of the following?
  a. The average validity of an item
  b. The correlation between one item and the total scale score
  c. The average correlation among the items
  d. The face validity of a scale

If you hold one quarter about 12 inches from your eyes, and another quarter at arm's length, the two quarters will be perceived to be about the same size when _____.
  A) both eyes are open
  B) only the left eye is open
  C) only the right eye is open
  D) viewed either binocularly or monocularly

Which of the following equations represents the relationship between true score, actual score, and reliability?
  a. Reliability equals true score divided by actual score.
  b. Reliability equals true score plus actual score.
  c. Reliability equals actual score divided by true score.
  d. Reliability equals actual score minus true score.

Myranda looks at a photograph of a truck. Which statement best describes how she will perceive this photograph?
  A) She will always perceive a photograph of a real truck as being a real truck.
  B) She will always perceive a photograph of a toy truck as being a toy truck.
  C) She will perceive the toy truck as a toy truck if depth cues are eliminated.
  D) Her perception of the size will depend on the known size of nearby objects.

If it is found that people's self-esteem changes quicklyfor instance, from day to daythen self-esteem should be considered to be
  a. a trait variable.
  b. a state variable.
  c. an unreliable variable.
  d. an invalid variable.

The size-distance scaling equation explains Emmert's Law because _____.
  A) retinal size is constant as perceived distance changes
  B) retinal size changes as perceived distance remains constant
  C) perceived size remains constant as retinal size changes
  D) perceived size changes as the color of the afterimage changes

Donna is in a two-part experiment. She completed a self-esteem measure one week ago and is now taking the same measure again. Which of the following problems may arise from this process?
  a. Systematic error phenomenon
  b. Violation of face validity
  c. Equivalent form effects
  d. Retesting effects

The size-distance scaling equation is S = K(R x D). The S in the equation stands for _____.
  A) stimulus intensity
  B) an object's perceived size
  C) an object's physical size
  D) an object's physical shape

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) uses which approach to assess reliability?
  a. Interrater
  b. Equivalent forms
  c. Item to total
  d. Unexpected item
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