According to you text, it is the __________ that benefit(s) the most from government programs.
A. homeless
B. lower class
C. middle and upper classes
D. none of the above
Which of the following nations has the highest gross national product (GNP) per capita?
A. United States
B. Japan
C. United Kingdom
D. Switzerland
A study of young male prostitutes in San Francisco reported that _______ of them were infected with AIDS.
A. 5
B. 12
C. 25
D. 40
A system of schooling that allows parents to use tax money to send their children to a school, private or public, of their choice is called _____________.
Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
How many American children are homeless?
A. None
B. Less than a million
C. 1 million
D. More than a million
If we look at absolute numbers instead of rates, the majority of poor people in this country are ____________.
A. black
B. white
C. Asian
D. Hispanic
In 2010, approximately ___________ couples were cohabiting.
Fill in the blank(s) with correct word
A family formed by marriage that includes one or more children from a previous family is called _________.
A. the Brady Bunch syndrome
B. a united family
C. a stepfamily
D. an abnormal family
Children from divorced families tend to ___________.
A. be anxious, depressed, and withdrawn
B. be more likely to have eating problems
C. receive maternal warmth
D. all of the above
The practice of marriage between individuals with diverse values and backgrounds is called ___________.
A. exogamy
B. hypogamy
C. heterogamy
D. homogamy