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Sonikapardal Sonikapardal
Posts: 644
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6 years ago
Which perspective views homosexuality as a deviance that challenges traditional society?
  a. functionalist
  b. conflict
  c. psychological
  d. symbolic interactionist

In 2009, law enforcement agencies reported 1,436 hate crime offenses based on sexual-orientation bias; of these, more than half were
  a. committed because of anti-male homosexual bias.
  b. committed because of anti-female homosexual bias.
  c. committed because of anti-bisexual bias.
  d. the result of anti-heterosexual bias.

According to public opinion polls, most Texans
  a) oppose capital punishment.
  b) support capital punishment.
  c) believe death row inmates should have unlimited appeals of their conviction.
  d) do not support the execution of women because they are considered rehabilitatable.
  e) support the execution of the mentally retarded who have committed capital crimes.

A Texas college student at a local university
  stops attending class and the professor drops the student from the class for excessive absences. As required by state law, the student receives a W for the course and must retake the class. This example illustrates which stage of the policy making process?
  a) policy evaluation
  b) policy implementation
  c) policy formulation
  d) policy review
  e) agenda building

Before Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the federal government's official policy on homosexuals in the military was one of exclusion, based upon the myth that
  a. homosexual service members might attempt sexual contact with heterosexual service members.
  b. homosexual service members might spread disease throughout the branches of the military.
  c. homosexual service members who were closeted could be extorted.
  d. homosexual service members were weak and would compromise front lines.

Methods like in vitro fertilization and surrogacy are not guarantees for all homosexuals who want to become parents because
  a. most homosexuals are suspicious of these technological breakthroughs.
  b. most homosexuals have children from previous heterosexual relationships.
  c. many homosexuals cannot afford these procedures.
  d. many states do not allow homosexuals to participate in these procedures.

Why are gay and lesbian parents widely criticized?
  a. because high numbers of abused and neglected children have been the products of homosexual parents
  b. because laws currently prohibit all homosexuals from adopting children
  c. because public policy discriminates against homosexual parents in general
  d. because of LGBT parents' assumption of alternative lifestyles and sexual orientation

Why are the Kinsey Report's findings suspect?
  a. Kinsey used a disproportionate number of prisoners in his study.
  b. Kinsey used a disproportionate number of females in his study.
  c. Kinsey used a disproportionate number of males in his study.
  d. Kinsey used a disproportionate number of children in his study.

In spite of no federal regulations to prevent LGBT discrimination concerning housing, the attitudes of landlords, apartment managers, realtors, and mortgage loan financiers have changed in favor of homosexuals because
  a. almost half of the U.S.'s states have enacted legislation to protect LGBT persons regarding housing.
  b. the housing and rental market has experienced recent agitation in the 2010s.
  c. many homosexuals looking for housing are also parents.
  d. greater acceptance of LGBT persons in the media has greatly reduced homosexual stereotypes.

According to functionalist perspectives on sexual orientation
  a. how people come to accept their sexual identity as a gay man, bisexual, or lesbian shows the significance of labeling and how it can create barriers to full participation in society.
  b. societies may punish homosexual conduct because it violates social norms prohibiting nonmarital sex and same-sex sexual relations.
  c. homosexuality or bisexuality is a master status for some people.
  d. conflicts over values regarding sexuality and the family are healthy for societies because they encourage discussion and debate about critical social issues such as sexual orientation.
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Sonikapardal Author
6 years ago
I can see it now, thanks for clarifying
6 years ago
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