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Tamera Tamera
Posts: 664
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6 years ago
If a client asks for personal information such as your marital status, which of the following would be an appropriate response?
  A) I don't see how that information is pertinent here.
  B) Could you tell me how that information would be helpful to you?
  C) I am married.
  D) It is against agency policy to disclose personal information.

During early sessions with a client, which of the following self-disclosure statements by a social worker would be appropriate?
  A) I also enjoy reading mysteries.
  B) I am also contemplating a divorce.
  C) I see several people with this concern.
  D) I cannot agree with that viewpoint.

In the context of empathic communication, which of the following statements is an example of self-disclosure?
  A) As you describe what happened when you entered the new school, I think about what happened when I changed schools.
  B) I feel sad for what happened to you when you entered the new school.
  C) I don't think you should let what happened in school affect you.
  D) You are very disappointed that things are not better and are irritated with me. You feel that I should have been more helpful.

In the context of empathic communication between social workers and clients, which of the following statements is true of confrontation?
  A) It is employed to expand clients' awareness and to motivate them to action.
  B) It is ineffective when clients are contemplating actions that are unlawful.
  C) It is employed to make a client pay attention to other people's feelings and circumstances.
  D) It is ineffective when clients are contemplating actions that are dangerous to themselves.

A lesbian client who is yet to come out in the open consults a social worker. She tells the social worker, The other day, the women at my office were talking about lesbians and about how repulsive the very thought of lesbianism was to them. How do you think I felt? Which of the following would be the most appropriate reciprocal response by the social worker?
  A) Why should you let that bother you?
  B) Why, that's kind of an exaggeration. If you just work along with me, things will be better soon.
  C) You must have felt extremely uncomfortable imagining that they would condemn you if they knew.
  D) How did you cope with it?

A client is completing an enrollment session with you for a domestic violence group. In the course of discussion about what precipitated the violent act on his part, the client reports that his wife was nagging him about his relationship with his friend Charles. Which of the following statements would be an appropriate reciprocal response?
  A) So why don't you stop seeing Charles for some time?
  B) So you were frustrated with your wife's concern about your relationship with Charles?
  C) So your wife has been nagging you?
  D) So your wife must be a jealous person?

During a session with a social worker, a 30-year-old client conveys angry feelings about the trauma of his childhood abuse. Which of the following statements would be an appropriate Level 4 empathic response?
  A) You are likely to succeed in gaining your self-respect at the conclusion of the case plan.
  B) I had undergone similar trauma during my childhood.
  C) You are really upset about what happened and you are wondering if you will ever gain your self-respect.
  D) How did you get along with your last social worker?

A female client, aged 35, has a cancerous tumor in her breast. She has been scheduled to undergo surgery and have her breast removed. She says, I am worried about whether I will still be attractive to my partner or not even if I am cured. Which of the following statements is a Level 3 reciprocal response to the client's concerns?
  A) So you are apprehensive that you might be physically safer after the surgery, but that your partner might not feel the same way about you?
  B) Can you not think about the alternative, the consequences of not having the cancer removed?
  C) You should focus on tackling one issue at a time.
  D) You'll just have to be patient. I can see that you are worried.

Identify the probable deeper feeling in the following statement by an African American client: The system is against people like me. People think that we drink, beat our kids, lay up on welfare, and take drugs.
  A) Hopelessness
  B) Anger
  C) Frustration
  D) Bitterness

Identify the apparent feeling in the following client message: I know my children need to focus on their career. It is difficult for them to have time to call me.
  A) Disappointment
  B) Guilt
  C) Embarrassment
  D) Confusion
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6 years ago
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Tamera Author
6 years ago
Bravo! This is awesome
6 years ago
Glad my efforts were helpful
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