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Ih8hw Ih8hw
Posts: 558
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6 years ago
The U.S. Supreme Court case of Barker v. Wingo held that:
  a. adult offenders are entitled to a speedy trial.
  b. juvenile offenders are entitled to a speedy trial.
  c. both adult and juvenile offenders are entitled to a speedy trial.
   d. juvenile offenders are entitled to a jury trial.

(Question #2) A set of instructions or rules used in content analysis to explain how a researcher systematically converted the symbolic content from text into quantitative data refers to which of the following:
  a. Symbolic Conversion
  b. Structured Observation
  c. Conversion Parameters
  d. Coding System

(Question #3) Which of the following was not discussed as an example of a social science study with ethical problems?
  a. Obedience to Authority Study
  b. The Simulated Prison Study
  c. Kansas City Experiment
   d. Tearoom Trade

(Question #4) You are working with others on a report about police corruption that indicates that some police officers accept gifts and others demand gifts. Which group are you working with?
  A) Wickersham Commission
  B) Knapp Commission
  C) White Knight
  D) Mollen Commission

(Question #5) Was the removal of Jamie Mueller from the pretrial diversion program because of her inability to pay selective prosecution in violation of the Due Process Clause?
  Jamie Mueller was charged with being a minor in a tavern, a misdemeanor. At her initial hearing, she was found to be indigent and was appointed a public defender. A few days later the prosecutor offered to allow Jamie to participate in the prosecutor's pretrial diversion program. She accepted, admitted guilt, agreed to commit no crime during the next two years, agreed to attend a behavior modification class, and agreed to pay an 80 class fee and a 150 user fee, for a total of 230. Jamie believed she could pay the fees initially but then was unable to pay. The prosecutor sought to withdraw the pretrial diversion agreement on the basis of her inability to pay the fees. Jamie requested the trial judge to reinstate her in the program. The judge agreed that Jamie believed she could pay the fees initially. The prosecutor's practice and policy to deny persons unable to pay the fees entry into the pretrial diversion program or to removed them if they could not pay. The judge found that paying the fees as a condition of participation was a rational requirement and did not violated the United States Constitution. Indiana law authorized prosecutors to withhold prosecution of misdemeanor charges for those who would enter pretrial diversion programs; the statute authorized but did not require participants to pay fees.
  What will be an ideal response?

(Question #6) At the end of a shift, police officers are likely to do all of the following except which?
  A) change back into civilian attire
  B) finish their paperwork
  C) receive the next days assignments
  D) prepare to head home
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6 years ago
1)  a

2)  D

3)  C

4)  B

5)  Yes

6)  C
Ih8hw Author
6 years ago
Excellent response
6 years ago
Thank you
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