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rylie4.4 rylie4.4
Posts: 491
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6 years ago
Square brackets can be used to
  a. Clarify a quote
 b. Add your opinion inside of a quote
 c. Indicate some exact words were left out on purpose
  d. Emphasize paraphrased or summarized information.

Ques. 2

On the last day, I packed my suitcase around 8:00 a.m., arrived at the airport at noon, and boarded the plane thereafter.
  a. Time/chronological order
 b. Spatial order
 c. Order of importance/logical order
  d. None of the above

Ques. 3

An ellipses can be used to replace words left out
  a. Of the beginning of a quote
  b. In the middle of a quote
 c. At the end of a quote.
 d. All of the above

Ques. 4

We even ate breakfast at the hotel. The breakfast area was organized methodically. There was a fruit table in the left-hand corner of the room, a meat table in the right-hand corner, and a waffle bar in the center of the room.
  a. Time/chronological order
 b. Spatial order
 c. Order of importance/logical order
  d. None of the above

Ques. 5

Ellipses (. . .) are used to
  a. Purposefully shorten a quote by eliminating words that are not necessary to make your point.
  b. Take the place of quotation marks when only using a part of the author's exact words.
  c. Signal a transition to another paragraph.
 d. Create closure in the conclusion of an essay.

Ques. 6

After we ate dinner at the seafood restaurant, we went to a karaoke club, and then we went back to the hotel and talked in the lobby all night until the sun came up.
  a. Time/chronological order
 b. Spatial order
 c. Order of importance/logical order
  d. None of the above

Ques. 7

Read the following paragraph, copied from a 1958 World Book Encyclopedia, and choose the appropriate summary of the italicized information: The tree family of palms ranks second to the grass family in economic importance. But the palms are applied to a far greater variety of everyday human needs than any other group of plants..
  a. Palm trees rank second to other families of grasses in economic importance; however, palms have a far greater importance than any other group of plants.
  b. The tree family of palms is second to the grass family in financial importance. But palms are more important to human needs than other plants.
  c. Although palm trees come in second to other plants when it comes to monetary gains, they are more beneficial than any other plant in meeting a community's daily needs.
  d. Palm trees are important.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  c
RATIONALE: Use MLA format to avoid plagiarizing.

(Answer to Q. 2)  a
RATIONALE: Academic writing should have a logical flow to it . . . one that the audience does not have to second-guess.

(Answer to Q. 3)  d
RATIONALE: Use MLA format to avoid plagiarizing.

(Answer to Q. 4)  b
RATIONALE: Academic writing should have a logical flow to it . . .one that the audience does not have to second-guess.

(Answer to Q. 5)  a
RATIONALE: Use MLA format to avoid plagiarizing.

(Answer to Q. 6)  a
RATIONALE: Academic writing should have a logical flow to it . . . one that the audience does not have to second-guess.

(Answer to Q. 7)  c
RATIONALE: Use MLA format to avoid plagiarizing.
rylie4.4 Author
6 years ago
Just confirmed the same answer from my friend, thanks
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