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fairlykyle fairlykyle
Posts: 342
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6 years ago
According to the discussion in Chapter 7, the term glass ceiling refers to
  a. a barrier found in organizations that keeps women and people of color from moving ahead.
  b. the ratio between the average woman's salary and the average man's salary.
  c. a factor that keeps women from complaining about their salaries.
  d. the rule that women must be paid the same salary as men who are doing comparable work.

Question 2

How do employed women feel about their own salaries, in comparison to men's salaries?
  a. Approximately 25 of women report being angry about the gender gap in salaries.
  b. Women tend to see themselves as underprivileged because they are underpaid.
  c. They are relatively satisfied and they do not acknowledge that they are experiencing discrimination.
  d. They accept their own lower salaries because they recognize that women in general are underpaid.

Question 3

Suppose that you know a woman who receives a low salary as a secretary, despite the fact that she works long hours and her job requires complex work. However, she tells you that she thinks her salary is appropriate. She is apparently demonstrating
  a. entitlement.
  b. the glass ceiling.
  c. comparable worth.
  d. denial of personal disadvantage.

Question 4

How would the term entitlement be relevant for men's and women's salaries?
  a. Because of affirmative action, women feel that they deserve somewhat higher salaries than men.
  b. Because of comparable-worth legislation, women and men now expect to receive equal salaries for differentbut comparablejobs.
  c. Because women are more likely than men to work part time, they know that they are entitled to smaller annual salaries.
  d. Because men belong to a more privileged social group than women do, men feel that they deserve higher salaries.

Question 5

Chapter 7 discusses a study by Bylsma and Major in which undergraduates were asked to specify what salary they should receive for working as a lab assistant. The results showed that
  a. males and females requested the same salary.
  b. males requested a significantly higher salary.
  c. females requested a significantly higher salary.
  d. males and females who were not well qualified for the job requested similar salaries; among well-qualified people, males requested a significantly higher salary.

Question 6

The data on employment show that men and women often select careers in different fields. This tendency is called
  a. occupational segregation.
  b. comparable worth.
  c. entitlement.
  d. denial of personal disadvantage.

Question 7

An example of occupational segregation would be that
  a. the average male has a higher salary than the average female.
  b. among a group of college graduates, women would be more likely to go into teaching, whereas men would be more likely to go into engineering.
  c. within a group of workers, the males would receive higher ratings than the females.
  d. even when men and women work at the same job, they tend to socialize with individuals of their own gender.
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  A

(Answer to Q. 2)  C

(Answer to Q. 3)  D

(Answer to Q. 4)  D

(Answer to Q. 5)  B

(Answer to Q. 6)  A

(Answer to Q. 7)  B
fairlykyle Author
6 years ago
This calls for a celebration Person Raising Both Hands in Celebration
6 years ago
I get paid? lol

My pleasure
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