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rdmulle07 rdmulle07
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6 years ago
The nurse interviewing an older adult for a nursing history recognizes that the client is experienc-ing symptomology inconsistent with normal aging of the urinary tract when the client reports: (Select all that apply.)
  a. finding it more difficult in the last few months to start voiding.
  b. having two bladder infections in the last 4 years.
  c. getting up once or twice each night to uri-nate.
  d. occasionally experiencing pain when uri-nating.
  e. needing to urinate at least every 2 hours during the day.

Question 2

A nurse is caring for an older adult in a hospital who has an indwelling catheter. The nurse as-sesses the patient based on the knowledge that which of the following are correct indications for an indwelling catheter? (Select all that apply.)
  a. To assist with incontinence management
  b. To manage acute urinary retention
  c. To assist in healing of open sacral or peri-neal wounds in incontinent patients
  d. To accurately measure urinary output in critically ill patients
  e. To prevent falls related to toileting in hos-pitalized older patients

Question 3

An otherwise healthy older adult reports having begun to experience problems holding my wa-ter. The nurse shows an understanding of interventions that may help minimize the problem of urinary incontinency when: (Select all that apply.)
  a. asking whether the client smokes tobacco.
  b. assessing the average amount of caffeine the client drinks daily.
  c. asking if the client has been evaluated for diabetes recently.
  d. suggesting the client keep a record of the amount of fluids ingested daily.
  e. reviewing the client's current medication list.

Question 4

A 78-year-old patient has a history of osteoarthritis and lives alone in a two-story home. The bathroom is on the first level and the bedroom is on the second level. The patient states, I am so upset.
  I have been wetting the bed at night. What type of incontinence does the patient most likely have?
  a. Mixed incontinence
  b. Stress incontinence
  c. Urge incontinence
  d. Functional incontinence

Question 5

A nurse implements a nursing care plan for a patient with constipation. Which of the following should the nurse include in the plan?
  a. Increasing fiber in the diet
  b. Administering aluminum hydroxide ant-acids
  c. Bed rest
  d. Restricting fluids

Question 6

Which of the following nursing actions would help minimize the psychosocial impact of bladder and/or bowel incontinence for individuals experiencing incontinence prior to going to a group dining room?
  a. Assess for soiled clothing and change, if necessary.
  b. Toilet the client and then promptly transport to the dining room.
  c. Provide peri-care and fresh underclothing.
  d. Ask the client if toileting is needed and assist as necessary.

Question 7

A patient tells the nurse, Every time I laugh or cough, I wet myself. Which type of urinary in-continence is this patient describing?
  a. Urge
  b. Functional
  c. Stress
  d. Mixed

Question 8

Which of the following nursing interventions should be implemented to prevent dehydration in hospitalized older adults? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Implementing intake and output recording for any patients with fever, diarrhea, vom-iting, or an infection
  b. Limiting duration of NPO requirements for diagnostic tests and procedures
  c. Administering IV fluids to all hospitalized older adults
  d. Limiting the use of diuretic medications in hospitalized older adults
  e. Making sure that hospitalized patients have easy access to fluids

Question 9

A nurse is caring for an older adult who has a gastrostomy tube. The nurse is developing a care plan related to oral care. Which of the following should the nurse consider for this patient? (Se-lect all that apply.)
  a. Oral care should be provided every four hours.
  b. Teeth should be brushed with a toothbrush after each tube-feeding.
  c. Lemon glycerin swabs should be used in between feedings to keep the mouth moist.
  d. Foam swabs should be used in place of a toothbrush to clean the teeth after each tube-feeding.
  e. Oral care should be provided only twice daily if the older adult is edentulous.
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Difficulty and pain are not characteristics of urination normally attributed to aging. In about 10-20 of well older adults, aging of the urinary tract is associated with an increased frequency of involuntary bladder contractions. These changes may lead to frequency, nocturia, urgency, and vulnerability to infection.

Answer to #2

ANS: B, C, D
Indwelling urinary catheters are appropriate in the management of acute urinary retention, to as-sist in the healing of open sacral or perineal wounds in incontinent patients, and when accurate measurement of urinary output is essential in managing a critically ill patient. Urinary catheters are not an appropriate intervention for the management of incontinence and do not prevent falls related to toileting in hospitalized patients.

Answer to #3

ANS: A, B, C, E
Risk factors for urinary incontinence include tobacco use, caffeine consumption, and increased urine resulting from diabetes and certain medications. Keeping record of fluid intake will have little or no impact on urine incontinence.

Answer to #4

Functional incontinence is defined as incontinence that is due to the individual being unable to get to the toilet as a result of barriers, including environmental barriers.

Answer to #5

Fluid intake of at least 1.5 L/day, unless contraindicated, is the cornerstone of constipation ther-apy, with fluids coming mainly from water. A gradual increase in fiber, either as supplements or incorporated into the diet, is generally recommended. Fiber helps stools become bulkier and soft-er and move through the body more quickly. Physical activity is important as an intervention to stimulate colon motility and bowel evacuation. Daily walking for 20-30 minutes, if tolerated, is helpful, especially after a meal. Aluminum hydroxide antacids are known to be constipating.

Answer to #6

Deviations from normal bowel and bladder toileting can lead to chastisement, ostracism, and so-cial withdrawal. By addressing incontinency issues prior to social interactions, such negative re-sponses can be minimized. While toileting is appropriate, it does not directly address the social impact that may result from soiled and/or odorous clothing. Providing peri-care and clean under-clothing is necessary only if incontinency has occurred. Asking to toilet the client is not neces-sarily an effective intervention when the client is consistently incontinent.

Answer to #7

Stress incontinence is defined as the loss of a small amount urine with activities that increase in-traabdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing, exercise, lifting, or bending.

Answer to #8

ANS: A, B, E
In order to prevent dehydration, it is essential to closely monitor hospitalized older adults. Any individual who develops fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or an infection should be monitoring closely by implementing intake and output records and providing additional fluids. NPO requirements for diagnostic tests and procedures should be as short as possible. It is not appropriate to admin-ister IV fluids to all hospitalized older adults. IV fluids are administered when there is a clinical indication. It is not appropriate to limit the use of diuretics. Diuretics are an important treatment for many older patients. Hydration management involves acute and ongoing management of oral intake. Oral hydration is the first line of treatment for dehydration prevention.

Answer to #9

Tube-feeding is associated with significant pathologic contamination of the mouth, greater than in individuals who receive oral feeding. Oral care should be provided every 4 hours for patients with gastrostomy tubes and teeth should be brushed with a toothbrush after each feeding to de-crease the risk of aspiration pneumonia. Lemon glycerin swabs should never be used for oral care, as they dry and inhibit saliva production. Foam swabs do not remove plaque as well as tooth-brushes. Oral care is required even if the individual is edentulous.
rdmulle07 Author
6 years ago
All correct!
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