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rarubbb rarubbb
Posts: 349
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6 years ago
Ultimately, health care will be defined and controlled by:
  a. the American Medical Association
  b. those wielding the most political influence
  c. consumer activists groups, e.g., AARP
  d. the National Institutes of Health

Question 2

As the largest professional health care group, nurses need to be politically involved with the consumer movement in health care to support the advancement of nursing service. The majority of nurses can do this by:
  a. becoming members of their professional organization
  b. becoming lobbyists for interested government agencies
  c. supporting legislation for more government control
  d. supporting physicians to direct health care policy

Question 3

According to consumer opinion polls, _____ consistently show up as rated Number One trusted professionals.
  a. firemen c. physicians
  b. policemen d. nurses

Question 4

Which of the following are part of Senge's (1990) learning disciplines? Select all that apply.
  a. encouraging conversational and collective thinking skills
  b. reflecting on, continually clarifying, and improving our internal pictures of the world
  c. focuses on the relationship needs of individuals and groups
  d. learning to expand our personal capacity to create results we most desire
  e. learning to see how we act more in tune with the larger process and world
  f. using knowledge to encourage change, stressing training and communication

Question 5

Bushy's (1992) six behavior responses to change define specific type of behaviors seen when confronting a change event. Which of the following are some of these specific behavioral responses? Select all that apply.
  a. interpreters
  b. early adopters
  c. late motivators
  d. laggards
  e. late majority
  f. median resistors

Question 6

Which of the following are steps in Havelock's Change Model? Select all that apply.
  a. build relationships
  b. unfreeze
  c. diagnose problem
  d. adopt
  e. acquire resources
  f. Choose solution

Question 7

Who is responsible for the implementation of a change project?
  a. mental model c. sender
  b. change agent d. receiver
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Ultimately, health care will be defined and controlled by those wielding the most political influence. If nurses fail to exert political pressure on the health care policy makers, they will lose ground to others who are more politically active.

Answer to #2

Nurses can be politically involved by becoming members of and supporting their professional organization. Becoming a lobbyist is not for the majority. More government control is not supporting the advancement of nursing service. Supporting physicians to direct health care policy does not focus on the needs of nursing as a profession.

Answer to #3

Nurses consistently show up as rated Number One in consumer opinion polls about who are trusted professionals.

Answer to #4

A, B, D, E
Senge (1990; Senge et al, 1994) identified five learning disciplines in his learning organizations theory. These five learning disciplines promote lifelong programs of study and practice and are based on the following areas: 1) personal masterylearning to expand our personal capacity to create results we most desire, 2) mental modelsreflecting on, continually clarifying, and improving our internal pictures of the world, 3) shared visionbuilding a sense of commitment in a group by developing shared images of the future we seek to create, 4) team learningencouraging conversational and collective thinking skills, and 5) systems thinkinga way of thinking about and understanding the forces and interrelationships that shape the behavior of systems as well as earning to see how we act more in tune with the larger process and world. Focusing on the relationship needs of individuals and groups is part of the normative-reeducative approach to change identified by Bennis, Benne, and Chin (1969). Using knowledge to encourage change, stressing training and communication is part of the rational-empirical approach to change by Bennis, Benne, and Chin (1969).

Answer to #5

B, D, E
Bushy's (1992) six behavior responses to change identify specific behaviors that may be seen when working with individuals and groups during a change event. These six behavioral responses to change are: 1) innovatorsalso called change embracers, 2) early adoptersthose who are open and receptive to change, 3) early majorityenjoy and prefer the status quo but do not wish to be left behind so they adopt the change early on, 4) late majorityalso called followers, 5) laggardsthe last group to adopt a change, and 6) rejectorsthose who openly oppose and reject the change.

Answer to #6

A, C, E, F
Havelock's (1973) Six-Step Change Model provides specific steps that can be taken in order to effectively manage change in an organization or educational setting. The six steps are: 1) build relationships, 2) diagnose problem (Lippitt's phases of change also has this same element as part of the seven phases), 3) acquire resources, 4) choose solution, 5) gain acceptance, and 6) stabilize and self-renew.

Answer to #7

Change agents are those whose purpose it is to be responsible for the implementation of a change effort or project. Receivers (receives information and/or communication) and sender (sends information and/or communication) are participators in the communication process. Mental models are one of the five learning disciplines noted by Senge (1990; Senge et al, 1994).
rarubbb Author
6 years ago
I'm seriously surprised that you found the answers... What's your secret?!
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