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Hillary.J Hillary.J
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6 years ago
Discuss how the biological and sociocultural approaches explain the causes of suicidal behavior.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

All of these men were diagnosed with exhibitionistic disorder. Whois typical of men with this disorder?
  a. Wayne, who maintains complete self-control throughout his episodes of exposing himself
  b. Lars, who is 49 and is sexually aroused only by pictures of women in the nude
  c. Jim, who is 24 years old and likes pornography
  d. Arnold, who is 53 years old and unmarried

Question 3

Discuss how men and women differ in their efforts to end their lives. How do marriage, age, and ethnicity influence these differences?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

What paraphilia is relatively common, and involves urges or fantasies about exposing one's genitals to strangers in order to cause shock in the observer.
  a. exhibitionistic disorder c. fetishistic disorder
  b. voyeuristic disorder d. frotteuristic disorder

Question 5

Among parents whose child has committed suicide, rates of depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, and marital difficulties increase, especially during the ____ following a child's suicide.
  a. six months
  b. first year
  c. two years
  d. five years

Question 6

People cross dress for a variety of reasons. People diagnosed with transvestic disorder ____.
  a. are typically gay men who work as drag queens
  b. are dissatisfied with their birth sex
  c. are typically heterosexual
  d. live openly as the opposite sex

Question 7

The term psychoeducation refers to ____.
  a. the training suicide hotline volunteers receive
  b. the training mental health professionals receive
  c. public awareness campaigns about suicide prevention
  d.teaching clients and families about suicide prevention
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

We have only correlational data on the causes of suicide. Biological theorists propose that abnormalities in the nervous system will correlate with suicide, and they have found one that does: low levels of the chemical 5-HIAA in the cerebrospinal fluid of suicide victims. This chemical is a byproduct of the neurotransmitter serotonin, so it seems likely that deficiencies in serotonin might be associated with suicidal tendencies. Research shows that patients with low 5-HIAA levels are more likely to be depressed, aggressive, and impulsive than others, a combination that points toward suicide. Most remarkable is that low levels of 5-HIAA have been discovered in suicidal individuals who had no history of depression. An association exists, but it is not clear whether biology is cause, effect, or directly involved at all in suicide.

Almost 100 years ago, the great sociologist Emile Durkheim proposed a sociocultural theory of suicide that is still useful. In his view, suicide reflects a relationship between the suicidal individual and his or her community. Individuals who fail to develop a nurturing network of social supports are unable to function adequately and become isolated. Disconnected, these individuals end their lives rather than remain alone.Finally, there are suicides caused by wrenching changes in people's relationship to society. An economic crash, a sudden loss of social status, or being forced to emigrate from one's homeland may be yet another trigger for suicides. These categories, however, do more to describe types of suicides than to explain them. Further, as much as the biological approach puts too much emphasis on the inner molecular world, the sociocultural approach excludes the internal, psychological world. Neither perspective gives a complete answer; the multipath modelwhich incorporates biological, psychological, social, and sociocultural factorsgives a more complete picture of what suicide is and how it occurs.

Answer to #2


Answer to #3

Although women are more likely than men to attempt suicide, men use more lethal means (e.g., firearms or hanging versus barbiturates); thus, men are four times more likely to be successful. Suicide rates for young males age 15-24 rose more than 40 percent in the last decade (50 for males and 12 for females). The highest risk group of all is older white males, especially those who are not married. Being single, divorced, and widowed are all risk factors for suicide, with widowhood being a higher risk factor for white men and women and African American men, although at older ages divorce increases the risk. Marriage seems to be a buffer for men and women; single adolescent girls and single men in their thirties are especially at risk. The completed suicide rate for men is ten times that for women, although women attempt suicide three times as often as men.

Bearing in mind that older white males have the highest rate of completed suicides, in terms of ethnicity when combining males and females, Native American have the highest rate, followed by white Americans, Mexican Americans, African Americans, Japanese Americans, and Chinese Americans. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for American Indian youth, compared to being the third leading cause of death for white youngsters. Alcoholism, socioeconomic factors like poverty, and lack of validation of their cultural lifestyle are all particularly poignant risk factors for Native Americans.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6


Answer to #7

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