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emilyencar11 emilyencar11
Posts: 374
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6 years ago
Mental disorders are almost always influenced by multiple genes. This means they are
  a. easy to discover.
  b. chemical circuits.
  c. polygenic.
  d. probands.

Question 2

When examining heredity, mental disorders are almost always
  a. influenced by one particular gene.
  b. influenced by multiple genes.
  c. influenced by recessive genes.
  d. not influenced by genes.

Question 3

The genetic influences that determine behavior may never be fully understood due to
  a. the ease of research to differentiate between the effects of the environment and the effects of genes.
  b. the likelihood that most behaviors are determined by the interaction of many genes and the environment.
  c. the tendency to rely upon twin studies in genetic research.
  d. our significant understanding of how genes impact brain chemistry.

Question 4

As with Down syndrome, maternal age plays a role in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

The most well-established risk factors for developing neurocognitive disorders are age, family history, and genetic factors.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 6

Discuss the TWO pieces of patients' rights legislation that pertain to research studies which came about as the result of Nazi experimentation during World War II.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

In the diathesis-stress model, a stressor is
  a. a distal, sufficient cause of a mental disorder.
  b. a necessary or contributory cause that is distal from the onset of symptoms.
  c. a necessary or contributory cause that is proximal to the onset of symptoms.
  d. a biological vulnerability.

Question 8

In the diathesis-stress model, a diathesis is
  a. a distal necessary or contributory cause of a mental disorder.
  b. a sufficient cause that is distal from the onset of symptoms.
  c. a necessary or contributory cause that is proximal to the onset of symptoms.
  d. a biological vulnerability that virtually guarantees the development of the disorder.
Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology

Edition: 10th
Read 55 times
2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to #1

c. polygenic.

Answer to #2

b. influenced by multiple genes.

Answer to #3

This is awesome you took your the time to answer these questions. You have been so helpful.

Answer to #4


Answer to #5


Answer to #6

The horrific and senseless nature of German experiments on prisoners prompted the development of the Nuremberg Code (1947), which established directives for experimentation with human subjects. This code specifies that voluntary consent is absolutely essential for clinical research. Consent must not be coerced, and participants should know the nature, duration, and purpose of the research, together with its methods and means and all inconveniences and hazards that could be reasonably expected as a result of participation. The experiment must be conducted by qualified individuals, and the participant must be allowed to discontinue participation at any time.
A second document developed as a result of Nazi atrocities is the Declaration of Helsinki, first adopted by the World Medical Assembly in 1964 and reaffirmed on subsequent occasions. This document also sets forth basic guidelines for the conduct of research, including the need for clearly formulated experimental procedures, a careful assessment of risks compared with benefits, and the provision of adequate information to the participants including the aims, methods, benefits and risks, and the freedom to withdraw. It is important to note that the Declaration of Helsinki does not specifically state how these principles are to be implemented; that is left to federal, state, and local governments and professional organizations.

Answer to #7

c. a necessary or contributory cause that is proximal to the onset of symptoms.

Answer to #8

a. a distal necessary or contributory cause of a mental disorder.
emilyencar11 Author
6 years ago
Thank you for helping me throughout this difficult semester
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