Answer to #1When we control the vast amount of urban water runoff, the water can be put to better uses.
Answer to #2The weather sometimes can be modified by seeding clouds with silver iodine crystals to encourage rain. Research
is also being conducted to find ways to modify tornados and hurricanes.
Answer to #3The distillation process involves heating the water to boiling temperature, then cooling and collecting the vapor,
which leaves the salt behind. It is important to realize that the boiling point of water can be lowered substantially
by reducing the air pressure on the water (partial vacuum). By using a partial vacuum, the amount of heat energy
required to bring the water to a boil is reduced.
Answer to #4In a tank, place some fresh water on one side of a membrane and salt water on the other side. Apply pressure to
the saltwater side to force the water from the salty side through the membrane leaving the salt behind
Answer to #5Desalination allows for the production of fresh water in locations where rainfall or other traditional sources of fresh
water are inadequate to supply the demand for water. It allows development in locations that would otherwise
not support such human activity. As technology advanced, desalination has become more economically practical
Answer to #6Dams and reservoirs collect and store water at peak rainfall periods, thus reducing flood damages. They hold water
in place for later use in irrigation or municipal water treatment for human use